Summer Seminar Series: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD

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Organizers: Massimo D’Elia, Jeff Greensite, Elias Kiritsis, Zohar Komargodski, Edward Shuryak, Jacob Sonnenschein, Ismail Zahed

A workshop on these topics was supposed to start in June 2020 at the Simons Center of Stony Brook University, but this in-person meeting is now delayed to June 7, 2021. This will mean a roughly two year gap since the last meeting concerned with these issues, and, in order to fill that gap, the organizers have decided to run a series of summer seminars via Zoom.

We plan to have ZOOM MEETINGS twice a week, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS:
US West coast 9-10:00; US East coast 12:00-13:00; Western Europe 18:00-19:00 ; Greece/Israel 19:00-20:00;

In order to get zoom meeting parameters and to get weekly mailing on current seminar titles, one needs to register with Simons Center. If you have not received a formal invitation please apply to the event here: Application.

By “gauge topology” we mean phenomena induced by instantons, instanton-dyons, magnetic monopoles, and center vortices. The topic also comprises the physics of sphalerons and their explosions, in the QCD phase transition and the electroweak cosmological phase transition.

Holographic models describe the strong-coupling limit of QCD, and they have been used for description of hadronic spectroscopy and wave functions, finite temperature QCD, as well as near- and out-of equilibrium kinetics. String models of hadrons were originally introduced to describe the spectra and scatterings of hadrons. Inspired by holography, they have been recently improved and their connection to QCD deepened. Perhaps some other problems of nonperturbative QCD will also be discussed. We will try to start with some general reviews of subfields, before proceeding to original works.

Date Title Speaker Abstract
6/1 Sphalerons and baryogenesis in cosmological electroweak transition of the minimal standard model Edward Shuryak Abstract
6/4 The Holography inspired stringy hadron model (HISH). A review and Open questions Jacob Sonnenschein Abstract
6/8 Topological susceptibility and related quantities on the lattice Mariapaola Lombardo Abstract
6/11 Reggeized scattering, entanglement and chaos using AdS/CFT Ismail Zahed Abstract
6/15 Centre vortices as the origin of confinement Waseem Kamleh Abstract
6/18 Deconfined holographic quark matter and neutron stars Niko Jokela Abstract
6/22 Topological Objects Near Tc: Instanton dyons in Theory and on Lattice Rasmus Larsen Abstract
6/25 Predictions for dense nuclear matter, neutron stars, and their mergers from holographic QCD Matti Jarvinen Abstract
6/29 What is a “spontaneously broken” gauge symmetry? 






Subtitle:  The Higgs phase as a spin glass, and excited states of elementary fermions.
Jeff Greensite Abstract
7/2 Solitons, vacua, and a modified probe limit Sophia Domokos Abstract
7/9 Aspects of holographic axion dynamics

Francesco Nitti

7/13 Trace Deformed Yang-Mills Theory: Review of Lattice Results

Marco Cardinali

7/20 Strongly coupled QFT dynamics via TQFT coupling Mithat Unsal Abstract

 Dark Holograms and Gravitational Waves

Aldo Cotrone


Gluons, Heavy and Light Quarks in the Instanton Liquid Model (ILM)

Mirzayusuf Musakhanov

7/30 Nuclear states and spectra in holographic QCD

Koji Hashimoto

8/6 Stringy Excited Baryons in Holographic QCD

Shigeki Sugimoto

8/10 The Spectrum of the SU(N) confining string

Andreas Athenodorou

8/13 Solving cosmology puzzles with holographic cosmology and transition to standard RD cosmology

Horatio Nastase

8/20 Holographic QCD in light-front quantization and superconformal algebra: An overview

Guy F. de Teramond

8/27 Higgs-confinement phase transitions with fundamental representation matter

Laurence G.  Yaffe

8/31 Machine-learning of topological defects and deconfinement transition on the lattice Maxim Chernodub Abstract


Talks will be recorded and hosted on our video portal here: