Workshop on Extremal Kähler Metrics, March 21 2011- March 25, 2011

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Location: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall, Rm 102

Organizers: Xiu Xiong Chen, Claude LeBrun, Gang Tian


Monday 3/21 Tuesday 3/22 Wednesday 3/23 Thursday 3/24 Friday 3/25
8:30-9:30 Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe
9:30-10:30 Jeff Cheeger [video] Slawomir Kolodziej: Monge-Ampere Equation on Compact Hermitian Manifolds [video] Aaron Naber: Ricci Curvature, Convexity and Applications [video] Chi Li: On the Continuity Method in Kahler-Einstein Problem for Toric Fano Manifolds [video] David Calderbank: Extremal and Conformally Einstein Ambitoric Kahler Surfaces I [video]
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Song Sun: Calabi Flow and Uniqueness of cscK Metrics [video] Charles Boyer: Extremal Sasakian Geometry [video] Bing Wang: On The Conditions to Extend the Ricci Flow [video] Mark Haskins [video] Paul Gauduchon:Extremal and Conformally Einstein Ambitoric Kahler Surfaces II [video]
12:00-2:30 Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
2:30-3:30 Sean Paul: Hyperdiscriminants, Orbit Closures, and Lower Bounds on K- Energy Maps [video] Frank Pacard: Construction of Extremal [video] Jian Song [video] Toshiki Mabuchi [video]
3:30-4:00 Tea Tea Tea Tea
4:00-5:00 Miguel Abreu: Existence and Uniqueness of Complete Scalar-Flat Kähler Metrics on Non-Compact Toric 4-Manifolds [video] Jeff Viaclovsky: Rigidity and Stability of Einstein Metrics for Quadratic Curvature Functionals [video] Valentino Tosatti: Degenerations of Calabi-Yau Manifolds [video] Yanir Rubinstein: Ricci Flow and the Completion of the Space of Kahler Metrics [video]