Higher Spin Theories and Holography Workshop March 14 – March 18, 2011

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Location: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall, RM 102

Organizers: Michael Douglas, Luca Mazzucato, Shlomo Razamat

Participant List:

Xavier Bekaert
Alejandra Castro
Chi-Ming Chang
Dario Francia
Simone Giombi
Rajesh Gopakumar
Thomas Hartman
Carlo Iazeolla
Antal Jevicki
Kewang Jin
Igor Klebanov
Sung-sik Lee
Ramalingam Loganayagam
Hong Liu
Alex Maloney
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Joao Penedones
Massimo Porrati
Per Sundell
Soo-Jong Rey
Ergin Sezgin
Wei Song
Mikhail Vasiliev
Xi Yin


Monday 3/14 Tuesday 3/15 Wednesday 3/16 Thursday 3/17 Friday 3/18
8:30-9:30 Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe Breakfast: Simons Center Cafe
9:30-11:00 Mikhail Vasiliev [video] Antal Jevicki [video] Rajesh Gopakumar- “A large N dual for 2d CFTs” [video] Simone Giombi [video] Hong Liu- “Holographic Wilsonian RG” [video]
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Ergin Sezgin [video] Sung-Sik Lee [video] Thomas Hartman [video] Joao Penedones -“Writing CFT correlation functions as AdS scattering amplitudes” [video] AlejandraCastro[video]
12:30-2:00 Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
2:00-3:30 Massimo Porrati [video] Shlomo Razamat [video] Soo-Jong Rey- “News from Higher Spins: W(infinity), Black Holes and Entropy” [video] Xi Yin [video] Xavier Bekaert-“Effective action in a higher-spin background” [video]
3:30-4:00 Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea
4:00-5:00 Discussion Per Sundell
Igor Klebanov
Discussion Discussion