Gauge Field Topology: From Lattice Simulations and Solvable Models to Experiment
Organized by Jinfeng Liao,Robert Pisarski,Thomas Schaefer and Edward Shuryak
Dates: Aug.17-21 , 2015
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The aim of this workshop is to bring together people actively working on the physics of topologically non-trivial solutions in gauge theories. We would like to focus not on the objects themselves instantons, monopoles, instanton-dyons,flux tubes, domain walls but on their interactions, and on the physical phenomena in which the play a role. This includes the mechanism of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD-like and supersymmetric theories, the phase transitions associated with deconfinement and the restoration of chiral symmetry, and anomalous transport properties. Such phenomena are to be discussed not only in equilibrium setting, e.g. as a function of the temperature, but also in dynamical situations arising in high energy collisions. Accumulating evidences from studying shear viscosity, jet quenching, and heavy flavor dynamics also consistently point to an emergent magnetic component that dominates quark-gluon plasma dynamics near the phase boundary.
We believe that progress can be made by bringing together several different communities that are working on different aspects of this problem. The first community is lattice gauge theorists, who study non-perturbative phenomena numerically from first principles. Second, theorists working in quantum field theory and string theory, who have identified QCD-like theories that can be studied using controlled, analytic approximations, especially using supersymmetry. Finally, theorists working on the phenomenology of collisions of heavy ions at high energy. These collisions produce highly excited matter. Topological objects, domain walls, strings, monopoles, and instantons play a role in a diverse set of phenomena, from the initial particle production to equilibration and anomalous transport.
There are many recent developments which we intend to cover at the workshop. One active direction is the understanding of the deconfinement transition in terms of instanton-dyons. This scenario was proved in theories with N=1 supersymmetry, and semiclassical models were extended to full QCD. Dyon ensemble is being studied numerically and on the lattice. On the technical side there have been many important results: Dyon-antidyon streamline, controlled calculations of non-abelian strings, new techniques for computing determinants in non-trivial backgrounds. Ideas about anomalous effects in heavy ion collisions have led to the discovery of a plethora of anomalous transport coefficients. Dynamics of QCD strings has been studied in new light, in Pomeron physics as well as in the multi-string settings.
The workshop will review recent progress along these different lines of research, bridge existing gaps among communities, generate new insights and develop future collaborations. We expect to have vibrant interactions among lattice practitioners, formal theorists, model builders and phenomenologists.
The application is now closed.
Talk Schedule
Time | Title | Presenter | Location |
9:00 AM | Welcome & Introductory Lecture | Edward Shuryak | SCGP 102 |
10:00 AM | Center symmetry, neutral bions, and (a tiny little bit of) resurgence theory | Mithat Unsal | SCGP 102 |
11:00 AM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:20 AM | Dense instanton-dyon plasma | Ismail Zahed | SCGP 102 |
12:05 PM | Fermions in a dense instanton-dyon plasa | Yizhuang Liu | SCGP 102 |
12:40 PM | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:00 PM | Classical Interactions and numerical studies of the instanton-dyon ensemble | Rasmus Larsen | SCGP 102 |
2:40 PM | The importance of complex saddles in semi-classics | Tin Sulejmanpasic | SCGP 102 |
3:20 PM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:40 PM | Overview of the chiral magnetic effect | Dmitri Kharzeev | SCGP 102 |
4:30 PM | Experimental Searches for Chirality and Magnetic Field Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC | Huan Huang | SCGP 102 |
5:00 PM | A holistic approach to instantons on R^3 x S^1 | Michael Ogilvie | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Presenter | Location |
9:00 AM | Signatures of dyons or KvBLL calorons from lattice gluodynamics at nonzero temperature | Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz Bogolubov Lab. of Theoretical Physics, JINR Dubnar | SCGP 102 |
9:50 AM | Determining the topological susceptibility in lattice QCD at nonzero temperature | Michael Muller-Preussker | SCGP 102 |
10:40 AM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:00 AM | Hadrons with and without the zero-mode zone and SU(4) symmetry of confinement in QCD | Leonid Glozman | SCGP 102 |
11:50 PM | Local Topology, Dirac Eigenmodes, Non-Pearson Correlations and QCD Vacuum | Ivan Horvath | SCGP 102 |
12:40 PM | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:00 PM | The axial U(1) anomaly and topological structures in finite temperature QCD | Sayatan Sharma | SCGP 102 |
2:45 PM | Scale separation, walking dynamics and approach to criticality in QCD with varying number of flavors |
Maria Lombardo | SCGP 102 |
3:30 PM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00 PM | QCD under curvature and magnetic effects | Kenji Fukushima | SCGP 102 |
4:45 PM | Convergent series | Vasily Sazonov | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00 AM | Topological defects in Yang-Mills with non-abelian moduli and their implications | Misha Shifman | SCGP 102 |
10:00 AM | Overview of the resurgence program | Gerald Dunne | SCGP 102 |
11:00 AM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:20 AM | Vacuum energy, contact term and all that in gauge systems with nontrivial holonony | Ariel Zhitnitsky | SCGP 102 |
12:05 PM | Instanton-induced spin asymmetries | Yachao Qian | SCGP 102 |
12:50 PM | Quantum Statistics, Spacetime Topology and Lattice Chiral Fermions of Condensed Matter | Juven Wang (IAS Princeton) | SCGP 102 |
1:35 PM | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
Time | Title | Presenter | Location |
9:00 AM | Confinement via center vortices | Jeff Greensite | SCGP 102 |
10:00 AM | Magnetic monopole and quark confinement | Kej-Ichi Kondo | SCGP 102 |
11:00 AM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:20 AM | The magnetic component of the QCD plasma | Chris Korthals-Altes | SCGP 102 |
12:00 PM | The Polyakov loop from the lattice | Peter Petreczky | SCGP 102 |
12:40 PM | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
3:30 PM | Coffee Break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00 PM | Electric flux tuber and thermal monopoles in the deconfined phase | Jinfeng Liao | SCGP 102 |
4:40 PM | Thermal monopoles and kinetics of sQGP | Claudia Ratti | SCGP 102 |
5:20 PM | The Polyakov line potential and semi-QGP | Shu Lin | SCGP 102 |
6:00 PM | The sQGP as semi–quark-gluon & monopole plasma | Jiechen Xu | SCGP102 |
6:30 PM | Workshop Banquet | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
Time | Title | Presenter | Location |
9:00 AM | Couloumb gauge confinement and emerging phenomenology | Adam Szczepaniak | SCGP 102 |
10:00 AM | Energy gap in quantum mechanics: double well potential | Alexander Turbiner | SCGP 102 |
11:00 AM | Coffee break | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
11:30 AM | Holographic Pomeron | Ismail Zahed | SCGP 102 |
12:30 PM | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:00 PM | QCD strings and their interactions from the holographic perspective | Ioannis Iatrakis | SCGP 102 |
2:50 PM | QCD strings on the lattice | Takumi Iritani | SCGP 102 |
3:30 PM | Coffee Break/td> | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00 PM | QCD string interactions and implications for high energy collisions | Tigran Kalaydzhyan | SCGP 102 |
4:30 PM | Concluding Remarks | Rob Pisarski & Thomas Schaefer | SCGP 102 |