Simons Summer Workshop: July 5 to July 29, 2016

Attendee ListTransportation SchedulePhotos View VideosZ2/Z8 Publications

This Workshop is the ninth conducted by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook and the fourteenth in the series Simons Summer Workshops. This year’s summer workshop will focus on the role of topology in physics with particular emphasis in recent exciting developments in the context of condensed matter systems as well as in topological field theories and string theory and their possible interplay. We are hoping to have a broad range of experts whose common focus is on topological aspects of physics.

Downloadable Schedules by Week:  week1  week2  week3 week4

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
All talks will be held in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Lecture Hall (Room 102).

Breakfast will be served daily from 9:00am-10:00am in the Simons Center Cafe, 2nd floor.

Lunch will be served from 12:00pm-2:00pm in the Simons Center Cafe, 2nd floor.

Tea time will be in the Simons Center Lobby at 3:30pm.


The talk will be at Smith Point Beach (please see transportation website). Lunch will be served at Smith Point Beach around 12:30pm.


*Speakers and titles will be added to the schedule throughout the workshop.

Simons Summer Talk and Events Workshop Schedule:

Time Title Speaker Location
Tuesday, July 5
10:00am Bordism, Unitarity and Topological Phases of Matter Dan Freed 102
Wednesday July 6
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00pm A Duality Web in 2+1 Dimensions and Condensed Matter Physics Nathan Seiberg Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday July 7
10:00am Fermionic and Bosonic Symmetry Protected Topological States in Condensed Matter Systems and Beyond Cenke Xu 102
6:30pm Banquet at Martin Rocek’s Residence Rocek Residence
Friday July 8
10:00am Defects of 6d CFT’s Jonathan Heckman 102

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 11
10:00am Resurgence and BPS spectra of 3-manifolds Sergei Gukov 102
Tuesday, July 12
10:00am Symmetry protected topological phase in interacting fermionic systems and group super-cohomology Zheng-Cheng Gu 102
6:00pm Summer Concert Series Jose Conde y Ola Fresca 103
Wednesday July 13
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00pm Topological lessons from string theory Dave Morrison Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday July 14
10:00am Branes, Bricks and 2d (0,2) gauge theories Rak-Kyeong Seong 102
6:00pm Banquet at Avalon Park Avalon Barn
Friday July 8
10:00am Supersymmetric Phases with a Broad Brush Thomas Dumitrescu 102

Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 18
10:00am The conformal bootstrap for theories with fermions Silviu Pufu 102
Tuesday, July 19
10:00am Dirac duality and composite fermions Chong Wang 102
6:00pm Summer Concert Series The Early Bird Band 103
Wednesday July 20
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00pm Symmetry-enriched topological phases of matter and
G-crossed braided tensor categories
Maissam Barkeshli Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday July 21
10:00am Topological order at the surface of 3d symmetry protected phases Lukasz Fidkowski 102
6:30pm Banquet at The Bershadsky’s Bershadsky Residence
Friday July 22
10:00am The SYK model and near extremal black holes Juan Maldacena 102


Time Title Speaker Location
Monday, July 25
10:00am Laughlin wavefunctions and gauge theory Nikita Nekrasov 102
Tuesday, July 26
10:00am Many-body topological invariants for fermionic SPT phases  Shinsei Ryu​ 102
4:30pm Islamic and East Asian Ceramic art in World-Class Museums: Comparing two Different Philosophies of Display  Lecture by Valerie Gonzalez 102
6:00pm Summer Concert Series Highline Chamber Ensemble 103
Wednesday July 27
10:00am Leave for the Beach Lobby
11:00pm Fractional quantum Hall wavefunctions from conformal field theory and applications of generalized screening Nick Read Smith Point Beach
3:00pm Leave the Beach- Back to the Center Smith Point Beach
Thursday July 28
10:00am Topologically protected edge modes with and without symmetries Sriram Ganeshan 102
6:00pm Banquet at The Directors House John Morgans Residence
Friday July 29
10:00am Relationship between Symmetry Protected Topological (SPT) Phases and Boundary Conformal Field Theory via the Entanglement Spectrum Andreas Ludwig 102


Layout 1



A hand drawn film by Tony Phillips from 1977 about surfaces giving a geometric interpretation of the Z/2 in Z/8Z cobordism group of surfaces with spin or pin structures via immersions in three space modulo the relation of immersed cobordism in three space x time interval.

This relates to several talks at the workshop, particularly Shinsei Ryu’s talk with the Z/8Z generated by the pin structure on the real projective plane.

1. Eight Boys Bound

2. Eight Boys Bound-supplementary material