Workshop: Convergence and Low Regularity in General Relativity
April 29-May 3, 2019
Organized by: Philippe LeFloch, Jeff Jauregui, Mike Anderson, Christina Sormani
ScheduleShuttle ScheduleAttendee ListView Videos
To truly address the many open questions that persist in Mathematical General Relativity, one cannot restrict oneself to smooth metrics and strong notions of convergence. One must apply Lebesgue, Sobolev, Sormani-Wenger Intrinsic Flat, and possibly Gromov-Hausdorff convergence to handle sequences of manifolds that naturally arise when studying notions of mass. These weak notions of convergence and perhaps others are needed to rigorously define stability and almost rigidity in both Riemannian and Lorentzian General Relativity. It has become increasingly important to define low regularity metrics and explicitly describe how they may be considered as having nonnegative scalar curvature, or more generally satisfying Einstein’s Equation or the Constraint Equations. This workshop brings together geometers with results on convergence in low regularity with geometric analysts specializing in low regularity general relativity.
Talk Schedule
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | introduce topics | Christina Sormani | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Tea | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:30am | “On the stability of the positive mass theorem for asymptotically hyperbolic graphs” |
Armando Cabrera | SCGP 102 |
11:15am | Noncollapsed degeneration of Einstein 4-manifolds | Tristan Ozuch | SCGP 102 |
12:00pm | Ellipticity of Bartnik boundary data for vacuum spacetimes | Zhongshan An | SCGP 102 |
12:45pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | Compactness Theorem for Rotationally Symmetric Riemannian Manifolds with Positive Scalar Curvature. Part 2 | Changliang Wang | |
3:00pm | Compactness Theorem for Rotationally Symmetric Riemannian Manifolds with Positive Scalar Curvature. Part 1 | Wenchuan Tian | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Low regularity aspects of the Jang equation | Anna Sakovich | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Conformal groups of pseudo-Finsler structures | Abdelghani Zeghib | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Tea | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:30am | Flat and intrinsic flat convergence of graphical tori with lower scalar curvature bounds. Part 1 |
Christian Ketterer | SCGP 102 |
11:15am | Flat and intrinsic flat convergence of graphical tori with lower scalar curvature bounds. Part 2 |
Raquel Perales Aguilar | scgp 102 |
11:45am | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
1:00pm | SCGP Weekly Talk: Philippe LeFloch | SCGP Weekly Talk: Philippe LeFloch | 102 |
2:15pm | Well-posed viscous cosmology? Open questions and first steps | Shabnam Beheshti | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | 4-dimensional cobordisms of positive scalar curvature and metric singularities | Demetre Kazaras | scgp 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | An optimal transport formulation of the Einstein equations of general relativity | Andrea Mondino | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Entropy Rigidities for RCD Space | Xianzhe Dai | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Tea | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:30am | Alexandrov geometry for Lorentzian-pseudometrics | Stephanie Alexander | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Simple Characterization of the Causal Boundary and Continuous Extension of the Spacetime Metric | Stacey Harris | SCGP 102 |
12:45pm | lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | Lorentzian length spaces | Clemens Saemann | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | Spacetime Extensions of the Big Bang | Eric Ling | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | The Conformal Method in Low Sobolev Regularity | David Maxwell | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Global evolution of self-gravitating matter in T2 symmetry | Bruno Le Floch | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Tea | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:30am | Constrained deformations of manifolds with positive scalar curvature metrics | Chao Li | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Embedding of metric measure spaces in L^2 via heat kernel | Shouhei Honda | SCGP 102 |
12:45pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | The Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann legacy in mathematical relativity | Michael Kiessling | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | Energy-momentum conservation for spacetimes with singularities | Annegret Yvonne Burtscher | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Semi-local simple connectedness of non-collapsing Ricci limit spaces | Guofang Wei | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | “null mean curvature” flow and marginally outer trapped surfaces. | Theodora Bourni | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Tea | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
10:30am | Stationary Vacuum Black Holes in Higher Dimensions | Marcus Khuri | SCGP 102 |
11:45am | Lower semicontinuity of ADM mass under Sormani-Wenger convergence | Dan Lee | SCGP 102 |
12:45pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
2:15pm | Quantum Laws of Motion for Singularities of Spacetime | A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh | SCGP 102 |
3:30pm | Tea Time | N/A | SCGP Cafe |
4:00pm | Closing Discussion | SCGP 102 |