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Organized by Boris Altshuler, Anatoly Dymarsky, Lea Santos, Jacobus Verbaarschot.
One of the most fundamental questions of quantum dynamics is how a many-body quantum system approaches equilibrium. At the classical level, equilibration of many-body systems is well understood, with all relevant timescales being mapped out microscopically. Similarly the relation between equilibration of classical many-body systems and chaos encoded by the Lyapunov exponents is also firmly established. Extending this picture to the quantum level is currently a very active topic of research.
The central problem at the quantum level is to determine the relevant timescales governing equilibration dynamics and to identify physical quantities, which may exhibit various degrees of universal behavior. A closely related question, which will be the focal point of the workshop, is the role of Random Matrix Theory in describing emergent universality. The related issues include various ways to define Thouless time for interacting quantum many-body systems and the connection between spectral statistics of quantum systems and dynamical manifestations of chaos, to name just a few. This workshop will gather researchers from condensed matter physics, high energy physics and quantum information science, to outline new promising directions in the field of nonequilibrium many-body quantum dynamics. This workshop is associated with the program: Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems: August 26-October 18, 2019
Talk Schedule
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Transport in SYK nanostructures and arrays | Alex Kamenev | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
10:30am | Xiangyu Cao | SCGP 102 | |
11:30am | Dynamical Glass: Ergodization Dynamics in Weakly Non-Integrable Many-Body Systems | Sergei Flach | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Café |
2:00pm | Many-Body Quantum Chaos: Chains of Kicked, Interacting Spins | Thomas Guhr | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
3:30pm | Probing spectral statistics through the power spectrum | Eugene Kanzieper | SCGP 102 |
4:30pm | Universal Signature from Integrability to Chaos in Open Quantum Systems | Gernot Akemann | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Dynamics of Tensor and SYK Models | Igor Klebanov | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
10:30am | A duality between SYK and 2+1 de Sitter gravity | Herman Verlinde | SCGP 102 |
11:30am | Infinite temperature adiabatic flows in ergodic systems | Anatoli Polkovnikov | SCGP 102 |
12:30am | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Café |
2:00pm | Time Scales and Manifestations of Chaos in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics | Lea Santos | N/A |
3:00pm | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
3:30pm | Typical relaxation of perturbed many-body quantum systems | Peter Reimann | SCGP 102 |
4:30pm | Entanglement entropy of highly excited eigenstates of many-body lattice Hamiltonians |
Marcos Rigol | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Spectral correlations and the Thouless time in spatially extended Floquet quantum circuits | John Chalker | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
10:30am | Measurement-induced purification/entanglement phase transitions | David Huse | SCGP 102 |
11:30am | Multifractality and its role in anomalous transport in the disordered XXZ spin-chain |
Yevgeny Bar Lev | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Café |
2:00pm | Low-dimensional de Sitter quantum gravity and random matrix theory | Jordan Cotler | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
3:30pm | Black holes, entropy and entanglement islands | Juan Maldacena | SCGP 102 |
4:30pm | Sparse Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model | Brian Swingle | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | Planckian Metals | Subir Sachdev | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
10:30am | Soft modes in the complex SYK model | Grigory Tarnopolsky | SCGP 102 |
11:30am | Chaotic properties of spin lattices at high temperatures | Boris Fine | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Café |
2:00pm | Universality in ultra-small metallic grains | Yoram Alhassid | SCGP 102 |
3:00pm | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
3:30pm | Application of RMT to Scattering Experiments with Microwave Billiards and Nuclear Data | Barbara Dietz | SCGP 102 |
4:30pm | Classical and Quantum dynamics in atom-photon systems | Jorge Hirsch | SCGP 102 |
Time | Title | Speaker | Location |
9:00am | From short-time to late-time dynamics: many-particle interference in interacting bosonic systems | Klaus Richter | SCGP 102 |
10:00am | Coffee/Tea | N/A | SCGP Café |
10:30am | Post-Ehrenfest many-body quantum interferences in ultracold atoms: complex saddle trajectories | Steven Tomsovic | SCGP 102 |
11:30am | A General Mechanism of Broadening for Degenerate Eigenvalues | Mario Kieburg | SCGP 102 |
12:30pm | Lunch | N/A | SCGP Café |