Virtual Workshop New directions in topological phases: from fractons to spatial symmetries: May 24-28, 2021

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Organized by Jennifer Cano, Dominic Else, Andrey Gromov, Siddharth Parameswaran, and Yizhi You

Topological phases of matter are a long-standing subject of interest in the condensed matter community, and increasingly relevant to issues in high-energy physics.

A topological phase is traditionally defined to be a gapped phase which is “non-trivial” (cannot be deformed to a trivial insulator without a phase transition), but where the non-triviality cannot be ascribed merely to spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Several years ago, a conceptually new type of gapped phases was discovered. These phases are known as fracton phases, due to the presence of topologically non-trivial excitations that can only move on lower-dimensional submanifolds, or cannot move at all. Fracton phases challenge our notion of “topological order”, because the low-energy theory depends on some non-topological features of space. In fact, these phases also appear to have an intricate relationship with the geometry of the space where they reside. Alternatively, these phases can be viewed as higher-rank gauge theories obtained by gauging the subsystem symmetries — the symmetries which act along lower-dimensional subspaces. Fractons have attracted a broad interdisciplinary interest due to their potential relationship to lattice gauge theory, quantum computation and memory, elasticity, glassy dynamics and emergent gravity in condensed matter.

Meanwhile, another kind of topological phase which depends on the geometry of space is crystalline topological phases, which are topological phases of matter with spatial symmetries. General approaches to such phases have recently begun to emerge. In many cases they have novel edge states, such as the “higher-order topological insulators”.

The workshop will concentrate on discussing the new developments and ideas regarding the fracton phases and other closely related topics such as topological phases with spatial or subsystem symmetries, as well as higher order topological phases.

This workshop is associated with the program:
Geometrical aspects of topological phases of matter: spatial symmetries, fractons and beyond

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker
10:00am Symmetry-protected topological phases beyond groups Thomas Quella
10:15am Fractonic and compressible phases in layered Chern-Simons theory Meng Cheng
10:30am Break and Q&A N/A
11:00am Closing string-like excitations in (3+1)d topological phases Clement Delcamp
11:15am Hybrid Fracton Orders Part 1 Sagar Vijay
11:30am Hybrid Fracton Orders Part 2 Nat Tantivasadakarn
11:45am Break and Q&A N/A
12:15pm From A to D: Gauging Dihedral Symmetry in the Orthogonal Family Yichen Hu
12:30pm TBD Leo Radzihovsky
12:45pm Break and Q&A N/A

Time Title Speaker
10:00am SPTO under Quantum Channels Alex Turzillo
10:15am Many-Body Electric Multipole Insulators Taylor Hughes
10:30am Break and Q&A N/A
11:00am A systematic construction of gapped non-liquid states Xiao-Gang Wen
11:15am Towards realizing toric code topological order in the lab Ruben Verresen
11:30am Fractal Quantum Phase Transitions Frank Pollmann
11:45am Break and Q&A N/A
12:15pm A recipe for topological defect networks Dom Williamson
12:30pm Hidden duality in a 4+1d topological order Wilbur Shirley
12:45pm Break and Q&A N/A
1:15pm Topological route to new — and higher rank — spin liquids Roderich Moessner
1:30pm Anomalies in (2+1)D fermionic topological phases Daniel Bulmash

Time Title Speaker
10:00am Resolving the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the 2D XY model with TNR+CFT Masaki Oshikawa
10:15am Hilbert Space Fragmentation and Commutant Algebras Sanjay Moudgalya
10:30am Break and Q&A N/A
11:00am Fracton-like quasiparticles in hole-doped antiferromagnets John Sous
11:15am Spectral statistics in many-body quantum chaotic systems with constraints Abhinav Prem
11:30am Ultra Unification: QFT Beyond the Standard Model Juven C. Wang
11:45am Break and Q&A N/A
12:15pm Foliated QFT of Fracton Order Kevin Slagle
12:30pm Gapless states with Categorical Symmetry and Large Conserved Quantities Xiao-Chuan Wu
12:45pm Break and Q&A N/A

Time Title Speaker
10:00am A degeneracy bound for homogeneous topological order Jeongwan Haah
10:15am From Lowest Landau Limit to higher rank symmetry Dung Nguyen Xuan
10:30am Break and Q&A N/A
11:00am Higher-Order Weyl Semimetals Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi
11:15am Spectroscopic diagnostics of spin liquids, both conventional and fractonic Rahul Mahajan Nandkishore
11:30am Local avatars of global anomalies Djordje Radicevic
11:45am Break and Q&A N/A
12:15pm Subsystem symmetry fractionalization on point-like excitations Michael Hermele
12:30pm Classification of fractional quantum Hall states with spatial symmetries Maissam Barkeshli
12:45pm Break and Q&A N/A

Time Title Speaker
10:00am Towards a classification of fermionic crystalline SPT states Yang Qi
10:15am Foliated criticality in the X-cube model Ethan Lake
10:30am Break and Q&A N/A
11:00am Lattice vs. Continuum Exotic Field Theories Part I Nathan Seiberg
11:15am Lattice vs. Continuum Exotic Field Theories Part II Ho Tat Lam
11:30am Lattice vs. Continuum Exotic Field Theories Part III Shu-Heng Shao
11:45am Break and Q&A N/A
12:15pm Quantum many-body topology of quasicrystals Sheng-Jie Huang
12:30pm TBD Fiona Burnell
12:45pm Break and Q&A N/A