Virtual Workshop: Applications of gauge topology, holography and string models to QCD

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Organized by: Massimo D’Elia, Jeff Greensite, Elias Kiritsis, Zohar Komargodski, Edward Shuryak, Jacob Sonnenschein, Ismail Zahed.

Understanding gauge field dynamics at the non-perturbative level, in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has been a persistent challenge. Lattice gauge theories solve these issues from first principles, on supercomputers. Semiclassical methods rely on dynamics of gluonic solitons – instantons, monopoles, instanton-dyons – to model various QCD phase transitions. Sphaleron explosions and phenomena related to hiral anomaly are important for phenomena in heavy ion collisions and cosmology. The QCD strings are effective objects related to confinement. Their dynamics is essential for the understanding of hadronic spectroscopy and Regge phenomenology. QCD strings are also naturally present in holographic models based on the AdS/CFT correspondence, and used successfully to model hadronic spectra and matter properties.

During the summer of 2020 an online seminar series was conducted via ZOOM in conjunction with this workshop. For more information please visit:

Summer 2021 due to the in-person cancelation  We plan to have ZOOM MEETINGS twice a week, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS: US West coast 9-10:00; US East coast 12:00-13:00; Western Europe 18:00-19:00 ; Greece/Israel 19:00-20:00;. For more information please visit: