Virtual Workshop Quantum Hall Effect: Status Report: May 3-7, 2021

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Organized by: A. Gromov, G. Csáthy, F.D.M. Haldane, S. Simon, D. Son.

Two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in a strong magnetic field exhibits extraordinary rich variety of phenomena that arise from the strong interactions between the electrons. Among these phenomena, the most notorious one is the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect, which is the major playground for investigation of the interplay between the strong interactions and topology. FQH systems support anyonic excitations – the quasiparticles that do not obey either Fermi or Bose statistics with the electric charge given by a
fraction of the charge of an electron. Perhaps the most remarkable properties of certain FQH states is that they support non-Abelian anyons. Obtaining control over these excitations is an essential step towards implementation of topological quantum computation paradigm.

FQH effect is notorious for defying analytical treatment due to its strongly interacting nature, which renders more traditional approaches based on perturbation theory ineffective. In turn, this leads to new ideas based on the topological quantum field theory (TQFT) and WZW/CS correspondence as well as conformal field theory. Groundstates of FQH systems provide real-world realization of TQFTs. 2DES also support strongly interacting gapless phases, known as unquantized Hall effect. These phases possibly provide the realization of the non-supersymmetric, fermionic dualities that have recently attracted a lot of attention from high energy and condensed matter community. Physics of 2DES has proven to be an extremely fertile ground for collaboration between the most abstract, ingenious theories and table top experiments. With the development of new materials and further improvement of the old ones it certainly holds many new surprises.

Although the field is very mature, it has experienced a boom of exciting experimental and theoretical advances over the last several years. The goal of the workshop is to discuss the new experimental developments and identify open questions and promising new directions in research on 2DES and FQH effect in particular. The proposed workshop will bring together the experimentalists who lead these breakthroughs and the theorists working in the field.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker
9:00am Quantitative analysis of quantum Hall liquids and electron solids in graphene from direct measurement of chemical potential Fangyaun Yang
9:30am s-wave paired composite-fermion-electron composite-fermion-hole trial state for quantum Hall bilayers with \nu=1 Glenn Wagner
10:00am Q&A and Break
10:20am Thermal and charge signatures of competing v=5/2 states David Mross
10:50am Searching for non-abelian states in 2-component quantum Hall systems Jia Li
11:20am Q&A and Break
11:40am Duality in Quantum Hall compressible states Eduardo Fradkin
12:10pm Numerical evidence for marginal scaling at the integer quantum Hall transition Ilya Gruzberg
12:40pm Squeezing effect in FQHE and the dynamics of the edge state Paul Wiegmann
1:10pm Q&A and Break

Time Title Speaker
9:00am Shear Sound and Universal Shear Conductivity of Fermi Seas Inti Sodemann
9:30am Puzzles in Quantum Hall and Related Phenomena Mansour Shayegan
10:00am Q&A and Break
10:20am Fractional Chiral Hinge Insulator Nicholas Regnault
10:50am Gravitational dynamics of quantum Hall states (in real materials and in quantum computers) Zlatko Papic
11:20am Q&A and Break
11:40am Exploring the non-Abelian quantum Hall landscape with duality Hart Goldman
12:10pm Domain textures in the fractional quantum Hall effect Ziyu Liu
12:40pm Q&A and Break

Time Title Speaker
9:00am Anyonic Signatures in Collisions and Braiding  Bernd Rosenow
9:30am Anyon dynamics in fractional quantum Hall systems and their experimental implications Bo Yang
10:00am Q&A and Break
10:20am Thermal equilibration on the edges of topological liquids Dmitri Feldman
10:50am TBA Mitali Banerjee
11:20am Q&A and Break
11:40am Quantum chaos of chiral edge states Biao Lian
12:10pm TBA Hugo Bartolomei
12:40pm Q&A and Break

Time Title Speaker
9:00am Does shot noise measure always the quasiparticle charge? Moty Heiblum
9:30am W-infinity Symmetry in the Quantum Hall Effect Beyond the Edge Andrea Cappelli
10:00am Q&A and Break
10:20am Progress on improving the MBE sample quality of GaAs and AlAs quantum wells Loren Pfeiffer
10:50am TBA Dung Nguyen
11:20am Q&A and Break
11:40am Evidence for anyonic statistics in the fractional quantum Hall regime through Fabry-Perot interferometry James Nakamura
12:10pm Probing anyon correlations and blackhole-like dynamics in the quantum Hall bulk Smitha Vishveshwara
12:40pm Q&A and Break

Time Title Speaker
9:00am An exactly solvable model for FQHE Jainendra Jain
9:30am Interplay of Geometry and Topology in Quantum Hall Liquids Kun Yang
10:00am Q&A and Break
10:20am Geometric test for topological states of matter Semyon Klevtsov
10:50am Skyrmion pairing: DMRG evidence for a topological route to superconductivity Michael Zaletel
11:20am Q&A and Break
11:40am Paired and Stripe Phases in the Two-dimensional Electron Gas Gabor Csathy
12:10pm Emergence of Clustered non-Abelian Quantum Hall States from non-Abelian duality Ramanjit Sohal
12:40pm Q&A and Break