Zoom Fall Seminar Series: Supersymmetric Black Holes, Holography and Microstate Counting

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Organized by: Cyril Closset (Oxford U.), Leopoldo Pando Zayas (Michigan U.), Luigi Tizzano (SCGP, Stony Brook), Chiara Toldo (Ecole Polytechnique and CEA Saclay), Alberto Zaffaroni (Milano Bicocca U.)

This seminar series will serve as a first part of the of the activity.  The seminars will be run online via ZOOM, from September 28, 2020 – November 20, 2020. The second part, an in-person workshop, is scheduled for October 11-15, 2021.

We plan to have ZOOM MEETINGS twice a week, MONDAYS and WEDNESDAYS at 9:30AM EST. Please, see the schedule below or visit our calendar

Registration is required in order to receive the zoom meeting parameters, and a weekly mailing on current seminar titles. If you have not received a formal invitation please apply to the event here: Application

These talks will be dedicated to the study of supersymmetric black holes in holography from both sides of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Holography provides a powerful framework which allows us to tackle fundamental questions in quantum gravity, such as the statistical interpretation of black-hole entropy, by means of field-theoretic methods. The interplay between AdS/CFT and recent developments in supersymmetric localization is bringing us closer to a satisfactory answer to a key question: How does the dual CFT capture the finite entropy of supersymmetric AdS black holes? While there has been impressive recent progress, many important puzzles still remain.

This question is closely related to exciting technical advances both in supergravity and in the study of supersymmetric QFT by exact non-perturbative methods. This program will bring together researchers at the forefront of all of these developments, in order to discuss
the progress achieved so far, and in the hope of bringing about a needed synthesis between the current competing approaches.

The contributed talks will revolve around three main themes:
(1) Characterization of supersymmetric black holes in Anti-de-Sitter spacetime;
(2) Microstates, indices and supersymmetric partition functions;
(3) Half-BPS partition functions on Euclidean manifolds and their applications.

For more information on the workshop in October 2021 please visit: https://scgp.stonybrook.edu/archives/31487


To view video recordings of these talks CLICK HERE or visit: https://scgp.stonybrook.edu/video_portal/results.php?event_id=330

Date Title Speaker Abstract Video
9/28 The 1/16-BPS index and supersymmetric phases in 4d N=4 Super Yang-Mills Sameer Murthy (King’s College London) Abstract Video
9/30 A black hole farey tail in N=4 super-Yang-Mills Arash Arabi Ardehali (Uppsala University) Abstract Video
10/5 Microscopic Black Hole Entropy in AdS5 Francesco Benini Abstract Video
10/7 The Cardy-like limit of the N=4 super-Yang-Mills index revisited James T. Liu Abstract Video
10/8 at 9:30am Superconformal Index of N=4 SYM: Old and Recent Developments Francesco Benini, Sameer Murthy, Seok Kim,  Shiraz Minwalla (Chair)   Video
10/12 Black Hole Entropy in AdS: supersymmetry and beyond Finn Larsen Abstract Video
10/14 Black holes and the index Seok Kim Abstract Video
10/19 Supersymmetric AdS solutions and black holes Dario Martelli Abstract Video
 10/21 Large N subleading corrections in AdS4/CFT3 using 3d-3d correspondence Dongmin Gang Abstract Video
10/22 Higher derivative/subleading corrections to AdS Black hole entropy
Chairman: Jim Liu
Panelists: Kirill Hristov, Valentin Reys, Dongmin Gang and Alejandro Cabo-Bizet
10/26 Three Avatars of Mock Modularity Atish Dabholker Abstract Video
10/28 A story of gravitational blocks and QFT indices Seyed Morteza Hosseini Abstract Video
11/2 Solving the Double Scaled SUSY SYK model Micha Berkooz Abstract Video
11/4 Black hole entropy function for toric theories via Bethe Ansatz Anton Nedelin Abstract Video
11/5 Panel Discussion: The Gravitational Side
Chair: Jerome Gauntlett
Panelists: Davide Cassani, Morteza Hosseini, Jun Nian
11/11 The Holographic Landscape of Symmetric Product Orbifolds Alejandra Castro Abstract  Video

A gravity interpretation for the Bethe ansatz expansion of the N=4 SYM index

Ofer Aharony Abstract  
11/16 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Higher-Derivative Supergravity in AdS_4 Holography Nikolay Bobev Abstract   
11/18 Modular invariants in strongly-coupled N=4 super-Yang-Mills Silviu Pufu Abstract