Hyperkahler quotients, singularities, and quivers: January 3 – February 24, 2023

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Organized by:

Ljudmila Kamenova (Stony Brook University),
Giovanni Mongardi (University of Bologna),
Alexei Oblomkov (UMass Amherst)

Talk Schedule:



Time Title Speaker Location
Monday January 9
10:30am Hodge theory of Lagrangian fibrations I


Junliang Shen
SCGP 313
Tuesday January 10
10:30am Hodge theory of Lagrangian fibrations II


Junliang Shen
SCGP 313
Wednesday January 11
Hodge theory of Lagrangian fibrations III
Junliang Shen
SCGP 313
Wednesday January 18
9:00am Orthosymplectic bow varieties


Hiraku Nakajima SCGP 313
Monday January 23
10:30am Some remarks on deformations of hyperholomorphic bundles


Claudio Onorati SCGP 313
Tuesday January 24
10:30am Irreducible symplectic varieties from moduli spaces of sheaves


Arvid Perego SCGP 313
Wednesday January 25
Wall divisors and birational geometry of primitive symplectic varieties

Giovanni Mongardi

SCGP 313
Tuesday February 7
10:30am Title: Coulomb branch and the monopole formula

Abstract: I will describe the main tool for identifying the Coulomb branch

Amihay Hanani SCGP 313
Thursday February 9
10:30am Title: 3d mirror symmetry

Abstract: I will give prescriptions for computing mirror pairs, and examples of Coulomb branches from various families. Slices in the affine Grassmanian, Slodowy slices and simple symplectic singularities

Amihay Hanani SCGP 313
Friday February 10
10:30am From Calabi-Yau categories  to the symplectic geometry of moduli spaces


Chris Brav SCGP 313
Tuesday February 14
10:30am On nefness criterion


D. Matsushita SCGP 313


Hyperkahler manifolds are higher-dimensional generalizations of K3 surfaces, and as such they are a perfect testing ground for central conjectures in algebraic geometry, like the Hodge conjecture, the Tate conjecture, Grothendieck’s standard conjectures, Bloch-Beilinson conjectures, etc. Exciting new insight has been obtained in recent years, but many new and old questions remain open. Recent developments put hyperkahler manifolds at a central place in the interaction between complex geometry, arithmetic algebraic geometry, derived category theory, and more. Bringing together people working on various specific problems of this sort and experts interested in the general geometry of hyperkahler varieties should trigger further results.

We intend to focus on a detailed understanding of the general conjectures for special classes of hyperkahler manifolds, e.g., those of K3[n]-type, which could lead to new insight into the conjectures in general. Of very high recent interest are also irreducible symplectic varieties, which are a singular analogue of hyperkahler manifolds and share with them most of the interesting properties. Studying these cases is relevant in order to understand general properties of hyperkahler geometry. As an example, general results linking their Hodge structure with their geometry have been recently proven by Bakker and Lehn, and in the case of orbifolds a twistor family structure was constructed by Menet.

This program also has an associated workshop: Hyperkahler quotients, singularities, and quivers: January 30-February 3, 2023. Please note campus will be closed January 2nd in observation of New Year’s Day.