Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30: May 22-26, 2023

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Organized by:
Mykola Dedushenko, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Heeyeon Kim, Rutgers University,
Johanna Knapp, University of Melbourne,
Ilarion Melnikov, James Madison University,
Eric Sharpe, Virginia Tech.

Gauged linear sigma models (GLSMs) have provided key insights into numerous aspects of string theory and supersymmetric field theory and have been a bridge to various fields in mathematics such as enumerative and algebraic geometry and category theory. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts from mathematics and physics to celebrate 30 years of GLSMs by addressing topical research questions and identifying new applications. Topics include: GLSMs in the context of mirror symmetry, new types of stringy (Calabi-Yau) geometries, homological projective duality and generalisations thereof, SUSY gauge theories in more than two dimensions, generalized cohomology, quantum K-theory, and mathematical invariants stemming from a rigorous mathematical definition of GLSMs.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am A survey of recent developments in GLSMs Eric Sharpe SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Defects as functors between phases of Abelian gauged linear sigma models Ilka Brunner SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:15pm Quantum K-theory and Integrability Peter Koroteev SCGP102
2:15pm Break N/A SCGP 102
2:30pm Phases of 3d GLSMs to the Grassmannian Cyril Closset SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Enumerative geometry of singular Calabi-Yau threefolds associated to hybrid GLSMs Sheldon Katz SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Skyrmions, 2d (0,2) boundaries, and quivers Sergei Gukov SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am QK = GV for CY3 at g=0 Y.-P. Lee SCGP 102
12:00pm Group Photo (Lobby) & Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:15pm Non-perturbative Corrections to 3d BPS Indices via Analytic Continuation Hans Jockers SCGP 102
2:15pm Break N/A SCGP 102
2:30pm A presentation for the quantum K-theory ring of partial flag manifolds Weihong Xu SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Heisenberg Spin Chains And Supersymmetric Gauge Theories Wei Gu SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am LG/CY correspondence between tt*-geometries Huijun Fan SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Contour deformation and the grade restriction rule Kentaro Hori SCGP 120
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:15pm Fukaya categories at singular values of the moment map Ed Segal SCGP 102
2:15pm Break N/A SCGP 102
2:30pm Gauged Linear Sigma Models and Cohomological Field Theories David Favero SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm I-functions and central charges of abelian GLSMs Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am 2d (0,2) Gauge Theories from Branes: Recent Progress in Brane Brick Models Sebastian Franco SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Derived equivalence and homological projective duality in GLSM Jirui Guo SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:15pm Non-Abelian T-dualities in gauged linear sigma models Nana Cabo Bizet SCGP 102
2:15pm Break N/A SCGP 102
2:30pm Boundary Conditions and Chiral Algebra Extensions in 3D N=2 Supersymmetric QFTs on an Interval Mikhail Litvinov SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Higgs-Coulomb correspondence and wall-crossing in abelian GLSM Konstantin Aleshkin SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
9:00am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Hybrid models as mirrors of singular double covers Mauricio Romo SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Counting curves on non-Kaehler Calabi-Yau 3-folds with hybrid GLSM Thorsten Schimannek SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
3:30pm Tea time N/A SCGP Cafe