2024-2025 Physics Seminar

The Physics Seminar will take place Wednesdays at 2:00pm in SCGP 313 unless otherwise noted below.

9/4/24Exploring thermal CFTs from a bootstrap perspectiveAlessio MisciosciaAbstract
9/18/24The Fate of Topological Operators in GravityThomas WaddletonAbstract
9/25/24S-matrix positivity without Lorentz invariance: a case studyIoanna KourkoulouAbstract
10/2/24Solvable matrix model and Riemann-Hopf fluid dynamics for 1/2BPS structure constants of N=4 SYMVladimir Kazakov
10/3/24 at 10:00am
*Note special day and time. This lecture will be presented via ZOOM*
New Well-Posed Boundary Conditions for Semi-Classical Euclidean GravityJorge SantosAbstract
10/9/24Theory of metastable states in many-body quantum systemsAndrew Lucas
10/16/24The complex Liouville stringScott CollierAbstract
10/30/24Universal thermalization dynamics in (1+1)d QFTsLuca DelacretazAbstract
11/6/24Double scaled SYK correlators from N=2 supersymmetric gauge theoryHerman Verlinde
11/13/24Shota Komatsu
1/29/25No Talk
2/5/25 This lecture will be presented via ZOOM and streamed in room 313*Topological invariants of quantum lattice systems and ’t Hooft anomaliesAnton Kapustin Abstract


Lorentz-covariant description of relativistic guiding-center motionDam T. SonAbstract
2/19/25Adjoint QCD_2 on the Hamiltonian lattice and in the continuumSilviu PufuAbstract
2/26/25Exploring Confinement in Anti-de Sitter SpaceLorenzo Di PietroAbstract
3/5/25The EFT of Large Spin MesonsGabriel Cuomo Abstract
3/12/25 Monica Pate 
3/25/25* Note Tuesday lecture John McGreevy
4/3/25* Note Thursday lecture Csaba Csaki 
4/9/25Theo Jacobson 
4/16/25 Clifford Cheung 
4/23/25Thomas Dumitrescu 
4/30/25 Umang Mehta 
5/7/25Kristan Jensen 