Conformal Field Theory, Integrability, and Geometry: March 11-15, 2024

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Organized by:

  • Nikita Nekrasov (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook University)
  • Vladimir Korepin (C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University)
  • Stefano Negro (University of York)
  • Sergei Lukyanov (Rutgers University)

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is an indispensable tool in modern theoretical physics. It is essential to the study of particle physics and critical phenomena and finds numerous applications in other areas such as many-body systems, turbulence, cosmology, etc. As the list of topics in which QFT plays an important role continue to expand, we are forced to constantly revise our fundamental understanding of the topic and develop new sophisticated mathematical techniques. Two dimensional Integrable Models (IMs) and Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) constitute the perfect laboratories to explore and probe the frontiers of our knowledge of QFT. The presence of a large, oftentimes infinite, set of symmetries in IMs and CFTs allows for the use of powerful non-perturbative and exact methods. In turn this elevated degree of control led– and is still leading – to profound insights on many important physical phenomena. Two celebrated examples are the features of universality classes of 2nd order phase transitions and the nature of dimensional transmutation. Additionally, being founded on beautiful and profound mathematical structures, IMs and CFTs are amongst the most active fields of Mathematical Physics. The intense exchange of ideas and results between the research in these topics and Pure Mathematics brought about many remarkable achievements in both fields such as the discovery of Quantum Groups and considerable advancements in the Langlands program.

In 2024, it will be exactly 40 years since the publication of the influential article ‘Infinite conformal symmetry in two-dimensional quantum field theory’ by A. Belavin, A. Polyakov and A. Zamolodchikov. Seizing this happy occasion, the workshop aims to bring together experts in conformal field theory, integrable systems and string theory, who will share their insights, report on recent developments, and trace new avenues of research.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Broken and emerging symmetries of turbulence Gregory Falkovich SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Tubulence in one dimension Alexander Polyakov SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Integrability and vertex algebra in higher-dimensional QFT Mykola Dedushenko SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm A new representation of minimal form factors in Integrable QFTs Stefano Negro SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am BPZ Ward identities and Kähler metrics on the moduli spaces Leon Takhtajan SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Finite-gap potentials, electronic crystals and the Bethe Ansatz for a large rank Lie group Paul Wiegmann SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
12:00pm Group Photo N/A SCGP Lobby
1:30pm SCGP Weekly Talk: Limit shape phase transitions. Hydrodynamic approach. Alexander Abanov SCGP 102
2:30pm On Liouville irregular states and Argyres-Douglas theories Rubik Poghossian SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Bootstrap and fermionic basis Fedor Smirnov SCGP 102/ZOOM

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Infinite Chiral Symmetry in Four Dimensional QFT Leonardo Rastelli SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Dual Theory of Decaying Turbulence Alexander Migdal SCGP 102
12:00pm Group Photo N/A SCGP Lobby
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm BPZ equations in four dimensional physics Nikita Nekrasov SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Logarithmic corrections arising from non-linear integral equations with singular kernels Andreas Klümper SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am A brief history of the Yang-Baxter equation Vladimir Bazhanov SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models Alexander Belavin SCGP 102/ZOOM
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Breaking of integrability Giuseppe Mussardo SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
6:00pm Banquet Dinner N/A SCGP Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Semi-Classical Physics at Large Quantum Numbers Zohar Komargodski SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP Cafe
11:00am Projector spin chains Vladimir Korepin SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe