Quantum information dynamics and non-equilibrium quantum matter: December 2-6, 2024

ScheduleParticipant ListView Videos

Organized by:

  • Meng Cheng (Yale University)
  • Chao-Ming Jian (Cornell University)
  • Nathanan Tantivasadakarn (Caltech)
  • Romain Vasseur (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Dominic Williamson (University of Sydney and IBM)

The central goal of quantum matter research is to discover and decipher the universal collective behavior of quantum many-body systems, captured by the notion of quantum phases. A common and powerful strategy is to organize our understanding of collective quantum behavior following the general principles of symmetry and topology. This strategy has been tremendously successful, especially for systems in equilibrium. How the notion of quantum phases of matter should be generalized out of equilibrium remains a key open question. It is timely to pursue this direction as advances in highly tunable and controllable quantum devices have brought new opportunities in realizing and probing non-equilibrium many-body systems.

Interestingly, many recent works on dynamical quantum systems coupled to noise have found emergent phenomena that require not only novel generalizations of symmetry- and topology-based concepts but also the incorporation of many-body entanglement in the analysis. One example is given by topological quantum error-correcting code states prepared on a noisy device, where the concept of topological order needs to be generalized to non-thermal mixed states. Another prominent example is given by monitored quantum circuits with exotic dynamical phases that are differentiated by how quantum information spreads across the system. In light of these examples, there are tremendous opportunities to renew and extend our fundamental understanding of the organizing principles of quantum matter in non-equilibrium settings. Additionally, this direction has the potential to uncover new schemes to exploit non-equilibrium many-body entanglement for quantum information processing and better methods for quantum simulation in NISQ platforms.

With the proposed workshop, we aim to bring together the quantum matter and quantum information communities to foster the exchange of ideas in related directions and initiate new collaborations at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University. Specifically, the proposed workshop will focus on (1) novel quantum phases in thermal and non-thermal mixed states, (2) universal behavior in quantum many-body entanglement dynamics, and (3) dynamical protocols for quantum matter and error correction.

Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Mixed State Quantum Phases and Markov Length Timothy Hsieh SCGP 102
10:00am Mixed-state quantum phases: symmetry and anomaly Chong Wang SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP 102
11:00am Realizing Non-Invertible Symmetries in Quantum Circuits by Twisted Gauging Yi-Zhuang You SCGP 102
11:30am Symmetry TFT Perspective on Mixed State Phases Zhen Bi SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Universal model of Floquet operator Krylov space Aditi Mitra SCGP 102
3:00pm Lieb-Robinson bounds with exponential-in-volume tails Carolyn Zhang SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Decoherence and dissipation induced topological phenomenon in open quantum system Yizhi You SCGP 102
10:00am Letting the tiger out of its cage: homological bosonic coding without concatenation Victor Albert SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP 102
11:00am Spin glass order in classical and quantum LDPC codes Vedika Khemani SCGP 102
11:30am Spin glass order in classical and quantum LDPC codes Tibor Rakovszky SCGP 102
12:00pm Group Photo N/A SCGP Lobby
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Monitored Kitaev models: Quantum circuits, entanglement dynamics, and synthetic fractionalization Simon Trebst SCGP 102
3:00pm Concomitant Entanglement and Control Criticality Driven by Collective Measurements Thomas Iadecola SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am The “Choi-Spin Liquids” in Steady States Cenke Xu SCGP 102
10:00am TBD Ehud Altman SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP 102
11:00am Intrinsic mixed-state topological states from a symmetry perspective Zhu-Xi Luo SCGP 102
11:30am TBD Sagar Vijay SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm Universal measurement-based quantum computation in a one-dimensional architecture enabled by dual-unitary circuits David Stephen SCGP 102
3:00pm TBD Fiona Burnell SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe
4:00pm Poster Sessions N/A SCGP 102/Lobby
6:00pm Banquet Dinner N/A SCGP Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Quantum topological order at nonzero temperature in three-dimensions Tyler Ellison SCGP 102
10:00am Decohering Topological Order Ruben Verresen SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP 102
11:00am Matrix Product Operator Algebras and their use to study topological order David Perez-Garcia SCGP 102
11:30am Topological invariants for pure and mixed state phases Isaac Kim SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
2:30pm The measurement-induced phase transition on dynamical quantum trees Brian Skinner SCGP 102
3:00pm Observable-sharpening transitions in monitored quantum circuits Andrew Potter SCGP 102
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe

Time Title Speaker Location
8:30am Breakfast N/A SCGP Cafe
9:30am Quantum cellular automata and quantum phases of matter Lukasz Fidkowski SCGP 102
10:00am Preparing many-body quantum states with quantum circuits and measurements Lorenzo Piroli SCGP 102
10:30am Coffee Break N/A SCGP 102
11:00am Dynamically generated concatenated codes and their phase diagrams Michael Gullans SCGP 102
11:30am A local automaton for the 2D toric code Shankar Balasubramanian SCGP 102
12:00pm Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
3:30pm Tea Time N/A SCGP Cafe