Organized by Patrick Meade, Michele Papucci, and Raman Sundrum
Sponsored by the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Dates: August 20 – 22, 2013
The LHC has recently finished its 8 TeV run, which represents a factor of almost 5 times increased luminosity compared to the 7 TeV run and at higher energy. Â After this the LHC will shut down for approximately 2 years to be upgraded fur running at even higher energies. Â By late this summer most all preliminary analyses of the data from the 8 TeV run will have been released, and it represents a crucial turning point for the field of high-energy physics. Â The earlier results of evidence for a Higgs-like particle will be considerably strengthened to the point where deviations, or lack thereof, from a SM Higgs will become statistically significant. Additionally, given that this represents the end of the 8 TeV run any preliminary deviations elsewhere from the SM or lack thereof will need a concerted effort by theorists and experimentalists to best plan the next steps. Â Given the extended nature of the shutdown, new analyses based on the 8 TeV dataset can be performed and planning for the physics program at higher energies can be adjusted. Â The SEARCH workshop will bring together a select group of theorists and experimentalists from ATLAS and CMS to address these challenges and plan for the future.
Last year’s SEARCH workshop:Â
All talks will be held in the Simons Center Auditorium (Room 103 on the first floor).
Tea Time will be held at 3:30pm daily on the 1st Floor Outside Patio (go through the art gallery).
SEARCH Schedule
Time | Title | Presenters | Â Video |
 9:00am | Welcome/Orientation (15 min) | Organizers | |
 9:15am | Workshop Purpose/Overview (30 min) | Raman Sundrum | video slides |
 9:45am | Discussion (15 min) | ||
10:00am | Coffee Break | Simons Center Cafe | |
10:15am | Higgs CMS (45 min) | Albert De Roeck | video slides |
11:00am | Discussion (15 min) | ||
11:15am | Higgs ATLAS (45 min) | Elliot Lipeles | video slides |
12:00pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
12:15pm | Lunch | Simons Center Cafe | |
 1:30pm | Higgs Theory Talk (45 min) | Roberto Contino | video |
 2:15pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
 2:30pm | Naturalness â Does it Matter? (1 hr) | Nima Arkani-Hamed | video |
 3:30pm | Tea Time | Simons Center 1st Floor Outside Patio | |
 4:30pm | Discussion Panel â What more can we do with the Higgs and what does the Higgs imply? | Nima Arkani-Hamed, Roberto Contino, Kirill Melnikov, Tilman Plehn, Tomer Volansky | video |
 5:30pm | Wine and Cheese Reception | Simons Center Lobby |
Time | Title | Presenters | Â Video |
 9:00am | SUSY status ATLAS (45 min) | Pascal Pralavorio | video slides |
 9:45am | Discussion (15 min) | ||
10:00am | Coffee Break | Simons Center Cafe | |
10:15am | SUSY status CMSÂ (45 min) | Sanjay Padhi | video slides |
11:00am | Discussions (15 min) | ||
11:15am | EW production (20 min) | Patrick Meade | video |
11:35am | Discussion (10 min) | ||
11:45am | Hard to see stops and top partners (30 min) | Matt Reece | video |
12:15pm | Lunch | Simons Center Cafe | |
 1:30pm | Discussion Panel – SUSY status (1 hr) | Sanjay Padhi, Maurizio Pierini, Pascal Pralavorio, Matt Reece, Neal Weiner | video |
 2:45pm | Making the case for jet substructure (30 min) | Jesse Thaler | video |
 3:15pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
 3:30pm | Tea Time | Simons Center 1st Floor Outside Patio | |
 4:00pm | ATLAS SM overview (45 min) | Aleandro Nisati | video slides |
 4:45pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
 5:00pm | CMS SM overview (45 min) | Matthew Herndon | video |
 5:45pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
 6:00pm | Discussion Panel - Hard to see new physics because of SM QCD and EW backgrounds/How far can we push? (1 hr) | Andrea Banfi , Kirill Melnkov , George Sterman ,Jesse Thaler, Bryan Webber | video |
 7:00pm | Workshop Dinner on the SCGP Cafe Patio |
Time | Title | Presenters | Â Video |
 9:00am | At the Frontier: Where New Physics May Lie Hidden (45 min) | Matt Strassler | video slides |
 9:45am | Discussion (15 min) | ||
10:00am | Coffee Break | Simons Center Cafe | |
10:15am | ATLAS Exotica  (45 min) | Erez Etzion | video slides |
11:00am | Discussion (15 min) | ||
11:15am | CMS Exotics (45 min) | Steve Worm | video slides |
12:00pm | Discussion (15 min) | ||
12:15pm | Lunch | Simons Center Cafe | |
 1:30pm | Discussion Panel – Does Dark Matter have any relevance for the LHC or the TeV scale? (1 hr) | Matt Reece, Jesse Thaler, Tomer Volansky, Neal Weiner, Itay Yavin | video |
 2:30pm | Discussion Panel – Whatâs the shutdown good for? (1 hr) | Erez Etzion, Tiziano Camperosi, Jessie Shelton, Matt Strassler, Steve Worm | video |
 3:30pm | Tea Time | Simons Center 1st Floor Outside Patio | |
 4:00pm | Discussion Panel - Whatâs 14 TeV good for? Is 2015 make or break for naturalness? For the field? What are the highest priorities in both theory and experiment? (1 hr) |  Chris Hill, Roberto Contino, Aleandro Nisati, Raman Sundrum, Jesse Thaler | video |
Danfords Shuttle Schedule
A shuttle will be provided to/from Danfords and the Simons Center. Please click the below button to view.
Click to download
*An additional shuttle will provided for the following dates and times: Tuesday 8/20 8:30am and 6:45pm, Wednesday 8/21 8:30am and 9:30pm, and Thursday 8/22 8:30am only.
Please click this link on directions to the Simons Center:Â
Directions to the Danfords hotel (
1) You can take a cab/limo from any airport. The address of the hotel is: 25 East Broadway, Port Jefferson, NY 11777. Cabs should be readily available at the airports. Some limos companies to reserve with are  Chris Dee Limo – ( (631)979-3824, Spartan – (631) 928-5454, and Classic – (631) 567-5100.
2) The other option is the train, LIRR. Please see the above link for directions to the Center. Instead of taking the LIRR to Stony Brook station, you will take it to the end of the line, Port Jefferson. The hotel is about a mile from the train station. There should be cabs available, but here are two phone numbers just in case: Lindy’s Taxi (631)444-4444 and Islandwide (631) 331-5959.