The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, scientific activities and cultural events.

The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, scientific activities and cultural events.
By Graham Farmelo Fellow, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, U.K.Adjunct Professor of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA Miracle of miracles—that’s how the great physicist Frank Yang described the discovery that some of the beautiful structures of modern mathematics precisely describe our universe’s underlying order. This link between the concrete world of physics and the abstractions … Read more
Spenta R. Wadia is Founding Director and Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair Professor at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bangalore, India. His main research interests are in elementary particle physics, string theory and quantum gravity. Here is an excerpt from an interview during Spenta’s visit to SCGP.
By Juan Maldacena Carl P. Feinberg Professor, School of Natural Sciences Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ Juan Maldacena is Carl P. Feinberg Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. After receiving his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1996, Juan Maldacena became associate professor of physics at Harvard in 1997. In November of that … Read more
Geometry, from the ancient Greek geo (earth) and metron (measurement), is often considered a universal quality in human thinking. In fact, this idea of an innate ability to “know” geometry dates back to Plato. In the dialogue Meno, written about 380 BC by Plato, the philosopher Socrates draws out an accurate answer to a geometric … Read more