The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, scientific activities and cultural events.

The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, scientific activities and cultural events.
By Marilena Loverde Assistant Professor of Physics C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Stony Brook University
By Xiuxiong Chen, Professor of Mathematics, Stony Brook University I met Professor Eugenio Calabi in the Fall of 1989, a couple of months after I arrived on the University of Pennsylvania campus. We hit it off quite nicely, as he was a zealous lecturer and loved to go to the blackboard, while I was … Read more
By Charles L. KaneChristopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Physics University of Pennsylvania Matter can arrange itself in the most ingenious ways. In addition to the solid, liquid and gas phases that are familiar in classical physics, electronic phases of matter with both useful and exotic properties are made possible by quantum mechanics. In the … Read more
Claude LeBrun, Stony Brook Mathematics Department, conducted an interview with Eugenio Calabi. This interview is partly intended as a celebration of the recent award of the Veblen Prize to Simons Center and Stony Brook faculty members Simon Donaldson, Xiuxiong Chen, and Song Sun but will also help us remember Calabi’s personal role in the story.