Generalized Geometry & T-dualities: May 9 -13, 2016

Organized by Marco Gualtieri, Nigel Hitchin, Ctirad Klimcik, Yolanda Lozano, Eoin Ó Colgáin, Martin Rocek, Konstantinos Sfetsos, and Daniel Thompson

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Dates: May 9 – 13, 2016

Over the last few years we have witnessed a resurgence of interest in geometrical facets of T-duality, with developments coming thick and fast on a number of fronts. The overall goal of the workshop is to bring mathematics and physics communities together to take stock of recent progress, in a bid to create synergies that will seed future collaboration and stimulate advances in both the formal and applied aspects of T-duality.

We recall that much of our knowledge of String Theory rests on three intimately interconnected pillars: the sigma model, Supergravity, and duality. The sigma model allows us to describe strings on general backgrounds,
whereas Supergravity provides a low-energy effective description of the dynamics; its solutions give String Theory vacua. String Theory has duality symmetries that relate seemingly different Supergravity backgrounds. The symmetry known as T-duality exemplifies how strings experience geometry in a new light in contrast to point particles.

The objectives of the workshop fall under three main themes. Firstly, we aim to review progress on natural generalizations of bosonic Abelian T-duality to fermionic and non-Abelian (spherical) isometries, as well as purely algebraic formulations, such as Poisson-Lie T-duality. It is an open problem to understand these so-called generalized T-dualities in terms of CFTs and String theory, and also more recently, their connection to integrable models. Secondly, we plan to bridge the gaps between Hitchin’s generalized geometry in mathematics and Double Field Theory from physics, where T-duality appears as a manifest symmetry of the doubled target space. We will also touch upon the exceptional geometry of M-theory, non-geometric backgrounds and the extent to which these new geometries may be regarded as “stringy” generalizations of Riemannian geometry. Lastly, we hope the workshop will act as a catalyst for further the study of generalized T-dualities in the context of holography, where the connection to scattering amplitudes and the ubiquitous AdS/CFT correspondence have yet to be fully understood.


Talk Schedule

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am  Registration and Welcome N/A SCGP Lobby
 9:40am Metastrings, Non-locality and Quantum Space-time Robert Leigh SCGP 102
 10:20am  Coffee N/A SCGP Lobby
 10:50am  Generalized complex geometry of pure backgrounds Dimitrios Tsimpis SCGP 102
 11:30am New directions in T-duality Mathai Varghese SCGP 102
 12:10pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 2:10pm Exceptional Field Theory and the Consistency of Kaluza-Klein Olaf Hohm SCGP 102
 2:50pm  Sigma  models and Generalized Kähler Geometry Ulf Lindstrom SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm  F-theory from Exceptional Field Theory David Berman SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am  Semi-covariant geometry &   Double Field Theory Jeong-Hyuck Park SCGP 102
 9:40am  Comments on Nongeometry and Conformal Field Theory Simeon Hellerman SCGP 102
 10:20am  Coffee N/A SCGP Lobby
 10:50am F-theory, T-fects and 6 d superconformal field theories Dieter Luest SCGP 102
 11:30am  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 1:00pm Generalised geometry and supersymmetric spacetimes Daniel Waldram SCGP 102
 2:10pm  Topological defects and dualities in String theory Gor Sargsyan SCGP 102
 2:50pm Deformed AdS x S string models and generalized type II equations Arkady Tseytlin SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm  Supersymmetry in E8 exceptional field theory Henning Samtleben SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am Holography, duality and integrability Marios Petropoulos SCGP Lobby
 9:40am  Recent progress towards the gravity/CYBE correspondence Kentaroh Yoshida SCGP 102
 10:20am  Coffee N/A SCGP Lobby
 10:50am  Generalizations of string theory Warren Siegel SCGP 102
 11:30am  Discussion Time N/A SCGP 102
 12:10pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 2:10pm Killing spinors in generalized geometry Mario Garcia-Fernandez SCGP 102
 2:50pm  String corrections and generalised geometry Ruben Minasian SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm  Marginal deformations of N=1 SCFT’s and generalised geometry Michela Petrini SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am  Type II superspace with manifest T-duality and superstring action Machiko Hatsuda SCGP Lobby
 9:40am  T-duality and renormalization group flows Jeff Streets SCGP 102
 10:20am  Coffee N/A SCGP Lobby
 10:50am Gong Show SCGP 102
 12:15pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
 1:50pm  Gong Show SCGP 102
 2:50pm Christopher Hull SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby
 4:00pm  Aspects of higher-derivative duality-invariant actions. Barton Zwiebach SCGP 102

Time Title Speaker Location
 9:00am Aspects of non-Abelian T-duality Konstantinos Sfetsos SCGP Lobby
 9:40am  Some comments on supersymmetry and the doubled formalism from a  worldsheet  perspective Alexandre Sevrin SCGP 102
10:20am  Coffee N/A SCGP Lobby
10:50am  Superspace dualities in two dimensions Rikard Von Unge SCGP 102
11:30am  Six-dimensional conformal field theories and T-branes Alessandro Tomasiello SCGP 102
12:10pm  Lunch N/A SCGP Cafe
1:50pm Enhanced gauge symmetry and winding modes in Double Field Theory Mariana Graña SCGP 102
 3:30pm  Tea Time N/A SCGP Lobby

The gong show will be 10 talks that are each about 10 minutes long all taking place on Thursday, May 12, 2016. An extra 5 minutes has been added to each to talk to allow time for participants to set up. Tentative Schedule:

Time Title Presenters Slides
10:50 The Chiral de Rham Complex and Double Field Theory Marco Aldi slides
11:05 T-Duality and the Chiral de Rham Complex Andrew Linshaw slides
11:20 Relaxing the constraints on T-duality Erik Plauschinn slides
11:35 All-loop non-Abelian Thirring model Konstantinos Siampos slides
11:50 Double Field Theory on Fibred Manifolds C.S. Kirchhoff-Lukat slides
12:05 Membranes in Exceptional Generalised Geometry / EFT Emanuel Malek slides
12:15 Lunch
1:50 Generalized Parallelizable Spaces from Exceptional Group Manifolds Falk Hassler slides
2:05 Non-isometric T-duality from gauged sigma models Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis slides
2:20 Some results in generalized contact geometry Ralph Gomez slides
2:35 Solutions in Exceptional Field Theory Felix Rudolph slides