F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12

Attendee ListView Videos

Organized by Mike Douglas, Dave Morrison and Antonella Grassi

This workshop will explore the recent progress in F-theory, including the detailed structure of elliptic fibrations on Calabi-Yau manifolds, techniques inspired by duality with the heterotic string, the role of flux, the relation to orientifold constructions, and applications to string phenomenology.  Participants will include both mathematicians and string theorists working on these topics of common interest.

Participants:  Lara Anderson, Chris Beasley, Per Berglund, Ralph Blumenhagen, Federico Bonetti, Sergio Cecotti, Herb Clemens, Andrés Collinucci, Mirjam Cvetič, Ron Donagi, Mboyo Esole, James Fullwood, James Gray, Thomas Grimm, Jim Halverson, Johnathan Heckman, Benjamin Jurke, Sheldon Katz, Max Bromo Buenaventura Kerstan, Denis Klevers, Vijay Kumar, Miao Li, Dieter Luest, Joe Marsano, Chris Mayrhofer, Ilarion Melkinov, Maximilian Poretschkin, Natalia Saulina, Rafaelle Savelli, Washington Taylor, Daniel Vieira Lopes, Timo Weigand.


Detailed Schedule
(last update: 3/19/2012)

F-theory Schedule

Title Presenters
 08:30-09:00  Breakfast
 09:00-10:00  Challenges for Global F-theory GUTs  Joe Marsano  Video
 10:00-10:15  Coffee Break
 10:15-11:45  Discussion: Global F-theory GUTs  Video
 11:45-01:00  Lunch Break
 01:00-02:15  Mathematical Aspects of F-theory  Dave Morrison  Video
 02:15-03:45  Discussion: Mathematical Aspects of F-theory  Video
 03:45  Tea

Title Presenters
 08:30-09:00  Breakfast
 09:00-10:00  Spectral Covers in F-Theory  Ron Donagi  Video
 10:00-10:15  Coffee Break
 10:15-11:45  Discussion: Spectral Covers in F-theory  Video
 11:45-01:00  Lunch Break
 01:00-02:15  Instantons in Type II and F-Theory  Mirjam Cvetič  Video
 02:15-03:45  Discussion: Instantons in Type II and F-theory  Video
 03:45  Tea

Title Presenters
 08:30-09:00  Breakfast
 09:00-10:00  New Perspectives on G-flux  Andrés Collinucci  Video
 10:00-10:15  Coffee Break
 10:15-11:45  Discussion:G-Flux in F-theory  Video
 11:45-01:00  Lunch Break
 01:00-02:15  F-theory and the 6D Landscape  Wati Taylor  Video
 02:15-03:45  Discussion: F-theory and 6D Physics  Video
 03:45  Tea

Title Presenters
 08:30-09:00  Breakfast
 09:00-10:00  Supercurrents  Nathan Seiberg  Video
(Courtesy PCTS)
 10:00-10:15  Coffee Break
 10:15-11:45  Discussion:A Critical Look at
Phenomenological Issues in F-theory
 led by N. Seiberg, G. Moore,
and  M. Dine
 11:45-01:00  Lunch Break
 01:00-02:15  From M-Theory to F-Theory: Chern–
Simons Theories vs. Anomalies
 Thomas Grimm  Video
 02:15-03:45  Discussion: F-Theory Effective Actions  Video
 03:45  Tea

Title Presenters
 08:30-09:00  Breakfast
 09:00-10:00  F-theory Phenomenology: Summary Talk  Jonathan Heckmani  Video
 10:00-10:15  Coffee Break
 10:15-11:45  Discussion:F-theory Phenomenology  Video
 11:45  Lunch