Carlo Sequin Video, Artistic Geometry: The Math Behind the Art

Artistic Geometry: The Math Behind the Art by Carlo Sequin Monday, July 30th at 5:30 pm Reception and doors open at 5:00 pm The geometry of some abstract sculptures is a starting point to gain some insights into twisted toroids, Moebius bands, and Klein bottles. Carlo Séquin, a computer science professor at UC Berkeley, has … Read more

2012 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics July 30 – August 17

Superconformal Theories in Diverse Dimensions July 30-August 17 Scientific advisor: Cumrun Vafa (Harvard) Local coordinator: Martin Rocek     Schedule of Events: All talks will be held in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Room 102 Speakers and titles will be added to the schedule throughout the workshop: **Lunch will be served Monday, Tuesday, … Read more

David Ben-Zvi, “Representation Theory and Gauge Theory”

Title: Representation Theory and Gauge Theory Speaker: David Ben-Zvi, University of Texas, Austin Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place:Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center         [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] Abstract: While Lie groups are at the center of both the mathematics of representation theory and the physics of gauge … Read more

Algebraic Topology and Physics Seminar, Week 12

Title: K3 Surfaces, Modular Forms, and Non-geometric Heterotic Compactifications Speaker: Dave Morrison, University of California, Santa Barbara Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center    

Dr. Jeffrey Weeks Della Pietra Lectures, May 3-4, 2012

Watch the Videos: SYMMETRY: FOLDING AND UNFOLDING Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 at 2 pm In this hands-on workshop participants will see how every symmetrical pattern has an “unfolded form” and a “folded form” and learn an easy way to name symmetry patterns based on their folded forms. Pre-printed copies of symmetrical patterns will be provided. … Read more

Mohammed Abouzaid, The Symplectic Topology of Stein Manifolds

Title: The Symplectic Topology of Stein Manifolds Speaker: Mohammed Abouzaid, Simons Center Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Auditorium Room 103, Simons Center           Abstract: The familiar classification of Riemann surfaces by the genus and the number punctures essentially states that each smooth surface admits a complex analytic … Read more

Algebraic Topology and Physics Seminar, Week 11

Title: Fukaya Categories of Stein Manifolds Speaker: Mohammed Abouzaid, Simons Center Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center           Abstract: I will begin by reviewing Fukaya categories, and give a brief overview of the methods that we have for computing them. I will then … Read more

Andrei Okounkov, The Index Vertex

Title: The Index Vertex Speaker: Andrei Okounkov Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center           Abstract: The talk will be about the index of the Dirac operator for the moduli spaces of instantons in 6 real (or, rather, 3 complex) dimensions. I will explain: … Read more