Topological Phases of Matter: June 10-14, 2013

Organized by Paul Fendley (University of Virginia), Andreas Ludwig (UCSB), Xiao-Liang Qi (Stanford), Nicholas Read (Yale), Steven Simon (Oxford) and Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q)       A topological phase of matter can be broadly defined as a (quantum-mechanical) phase of matter in which the ground state has a gap for all local excitations. This … Read more

Low Dimensional Topology: May 20-24 2013

Organized by Peter Ozsvath, Olga Plamenevskaya, and Mohammed Abouzaid The conference will explore the connections between low-dimensional topology and symplectic geometry. This workshop is a part of the Spring 2013 program Low Dimensional Topology Organized by Peter Ozsvath                

F-theory Workshop, 3/19/12 – 3/23/12

Organized by Mike Douglas, Dave Morrison and Antonella Grassi This workshop will explore the recent progress in F-theory, including the detailed structure of elliptic fibrations on Calabi-Yau manifolds, techniques inspired by duality with the heterotic string, the role of flux, the relation to orientifold constructions, and applications to string phenomenology.  Participants will include both mathematicians … Read more

Manhattan Seminar – March 16, 2012

Simons Center Seminar in Manhattan March 16, 2012, 10:30AM – 5:30PM The Simons Center is holding a one-day seminar event at the Stony Brook Manhattan Campus on Friday, March 16, 2012. The focus is theoretical high energy physics and string theory, and may be of interest to faculty, postdocs, and graduate students working in these … Read more

Graduate Workshop, 3/5/2012-3/9/2012

Supersymmetric Field Theories and Their Mathematical Implications Organized by Dan Freed, Constantin Teleman and Greg Moore Over the past two decades, ideas and methods from supersymmetric quantum field theory have spearheaded breathtaking advances in geometry and topology. This one-week graduate workshop will offer a basic introduction to the notions and language of the physics underlying … Read more

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory, 1/16/12 – 1/20/12

Organized by Mike Douglas, Kevin Costello and Arthur Jaffe   Quantum field theory is a rich subject, with a long history in physics and in mathematics. In recent years it has inspired many profound developments in topology, in algebra and representation theory, and in analysis. Given the growing interest in the subject among mathematicians, it … Read more

Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and D-branes, 12/12/11-12/16/11

Dates: 12-16 Dec 2011 Objectives: The aim of the workshop is to present recent progress and pose new questions at the interface between algebraic geometry, noncommutative algebra, representation theory, and string theory.  The main topics will include noncommutative resolutions of singularities, superpotential and Calabi-Yau algebras, matrix factorizations, and the McKay correspondence. Workshop organizers: Charlie Beil, … Read more

Topological Quantum Computing, September 12 – 16, 2011

We are pleased to announce the upcoming workshop, Quantum: Topology, Information, Computation, to be held at Stony Brook University from September 12 through September 16, 2011. Quantum has become ubiquitous in topology, information, and computation. The central theme of the workshop evolves around mathematical and scientific challenges in the topological approach to building a large-scale … Read more

Simons Summer Workshop in Mathematics and Physics 2011 July 25 – August 19, 2011

Integrable Structures and Low Dimensional Geometries July 25 – August 19 Scientific advisor: Cumrun Vafa (Harvard) Local coordinator: Martin Rocek We are pleased to announce the 2011 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics from July 25 to August 19. This is the fourth Summer Workshop conducted by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics … Read more