In this issue of the Newsletter

Outreach Lectures – Book Talks


Job Description: Center Administrator, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Required Qualifications: (As evidenced by an attached resume) Bachelor’s Degree. Four [4] years of full time, administrative experience in an academic environment managing major business-related aspects, such as budget and personnel. Supervisory experience to include guiding, developing and leading staff career pathing. Budget management experience. Experience managing complex projects. Experience managing and executing events. Experience … Read more
Organized by Sergei Gukov, Tomoyuki Arakawa, Boris Feigin, Alba Grassi, Hiraku Nakajima, Nikita Nekrasov, Andrei Okounkov Vertex operator algebras have a long history of interaction with physics by describing two-dimensional systems at criticality. More recently, they appeared, via BPS/CFT correspondence, in the context of higher-dimensional gauge theories and associated brane constructions in string theory. For … Read more
Date: Thursday April 19, 2018 Lecture: 12:00 pm, Simons Center Della Pietra Family Auditorium Title: Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves: From the Big Bang to Black Holes Abstract: There are only two types of waves that can propagate across the universe: Electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves. Galileo initiated electromagnetic astronomy 400 years ago, by pointing a telescope … Read more
The Della Pietra Lecture Series is pleased to present Dr. Carl Safina, Author, Conservationist and Endowed Professor Title: Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel General Public Lecture, Monday, March 19, 2018: 5:30 pm, Simons Center Della Pietra Family Auditorium (Reception at 5:00pm) Special Presentation for High School Students, Friday, March 23, 2018: 11:00 am, Simons Center Della … Read more
Organized by Lara Anderson and Laura Schaposnik Hitchin systems have found remarkable applications in many different areas of mathematics and physics. In particular, Hausel and Thaddeus related Higgs bundles to mirror symmetry, and in the work of Kapustin and Witten, Higgs bundles were used to give a physical derivation of the geometric Langlands correspondence. Moreover, … Read more
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the latest issue of SCGP News, a biannual publication which reflects the Center’s mission, and scientific and cultural events.