In this issue of the Newsletter

Ten Years in the SCGP and 3 + 4 = 7

By Sir Simon Donaldson Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Natural Language: Geometry and Physics

By Nikita Nekrasov Professor of Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Northern Europe. The tradition of conferring honorary degrees goes back to the same time yet a different place (Oxford University). It is a tremendous honor to join a long line of scholars linking the centers of knowledge mining and knowledge transfer throughout the globe. Read more…

A Word from the Directors: Remembering Jim

On May 10, 2024, James Harris Simons (Jim), passed away at the age of 86 in New York City. Jim’s lifelong passion for math and basic science were an inspiration … Read more

My Career in Physics. A Biographical Research Summary by Robert Shrock

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Professor Robert Shrock details a brief history of his career in physics, including a collection of research results.

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics. By Alfonso Sorrentino and Sergei Tabachnikov

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics By Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University   

For Visitors: Cultural and Educational Offerings at Stony Brook University

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Calendar of Upcoming Events Visit: Stony Brook University Calendar of Upcoming Events Visit: Staller Center Zuccaire Gallery Events Visit: Staller Center for the Arts Full Schedule of Events: Films, concerts, movies and more – please visit: Charles B Wang Center Full Schedule of Events:  Films, concerts, movies … Read more

String Theory and Scattering Amplitudes: January 9-13, 2017

Organized by: Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Nathan Berkovits, William D. Linch III, Jakob Palmkvist, Daniel Robbins, Andrew Royston, and Pierre Vanhove. The purpose of this workshop is to assess the most recent developments in string theory scattering amplitudes, including comparison of different formalisms as well as applications to target space (super-)geometry and the associated physics. … Read more

Congratulations to Dr. Mohammed Abouzaid, Recipient of the New Horizons in Math Prize

Long-time visitor of the Simons Center, Dr. Mohammed Abouzaid, has recently been awarded the 2017 New Horizons in Math prize. The 2017 award recipients mark the Breakthrough Prize‘s 5th consecutive year celebrating top achievements in science. The New Horizons in Mathematics Prize was awarded to promising early-career researchers who have already produced important work in mathematics:   … Read more

Dr. Cumrun Vafa Wins 2017 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

The Simons Center is pleased to formally congratulate Dr. Cumrun Vafa and all of the winners of the 2017 Breakthrough Prize In Fundamental Physics: Dr. Joseph Polchinski, Professor in the Department of Physics and Member of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr. Andrew Strominger, Director of the Center … Read more

Entanglement in Field Theory and Gravity: December 5-7, 2016

Organized by: Matthew Headrick, Alex Maloney, and Mark Van Raamsdonk. It from Qubit, the Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields, Gravity, and Information, will host a workshop December 5-7 at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. The workshop will explore the role of entanglement, in all of its manifestations, in quantum field theory, quantum gravity, … Read more

GW161212: The Universe through gravitational waves: December 12 – 15, 2016

The Universe through gravitational waves December 12-15 2016 Organized by: Luis Álvarez-Gaumé, Vitor Cardoso, and Marilena Loverde The recent but historical detection of gravitational waves by LIGO marks the dawn of the era of gravitational-wave astronomy. What were the ingredients and demands for detection? What have we learned, and what can we learn from this … Read more

Geometrical and statistical fluid dynamics: October 2-27, 2017

Organized by: Uriel Frisch, Konstantin Khanin and Rahul Pandit Some of the most basic questions relating to the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations for the motion of a 3D incompressible fluid are still open. There is a strong belief that answers to these questions cannot be obtained without creative use of geometric/Lagrangian and measure-theoretic/probabilistic tools. This … Read more

SCGP Weekly Talks – Fall 2016

Organized by Alexander Abanov SCGP Weekly Talks is a colloquium style series of talks aimed at all members and visitors of the Simons Center and the more general math and physics community on Stony Brook campus. The regular time and place for the talks are Tuesday, 1pm. During the workshops at the Center the talks … Read more