In this issue of the Newsletter

Ten Years in the SCGP and 3 + 4 = 7

By Sir Simon Donaldson Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Natural Language: Geometry and Physics

By Nikita Nekrasov Professor of Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Northern Europe. The tradition of conferring honorary degrees goes back to the same time yet a different place (Oxford University). It is a tremendous honor to join a long line of scholars linking the centers of knowledge mining and knowledge transfer throughout the globe. Read more…

A Word from the Directors: Remembering Jim

On May 10, 2024, James Harris Simons (Jim), passed away at the age of 86 in New York City. Jim’s lifelong passion for math and basic science were an inspiration … Read more

My Career in Physics. A Biographical Research Summary by Robert Shrock

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Professor Robert Shrock details a brief history of his career in physics, including a collection of research results.

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics. By Alfonso Sorrentino and Sergei Tabachnikov

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics By Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University   

G2 Manifolds Program Seminar: Hans-Joachim Hein

Title: Ricci-flat Metrics on A_k Singularities Program: G2 Manifolds Program Seminar Speaker: Hans-Joachim Hein, University of Nantes Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 Time: 9:30am – 10:30am Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] Abstract: By work of Gauntlett-Martelli-Sparks-Yau, the 3-dimensional A_k singularity admits no Ricci-flat Kähler cone metrics for k … Read more

SCGP Weekly Talk: WHAT IS … F-theory? by David Morrison

Title: “WHAT IS … F-theory?” Speaker: David Morrison, UC Santa Barbara Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center         [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] Abstract:  In the spirit of the “WHAT IS …” series of articles in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, I will … Read more

G2 Manifolds Program Seminar: Johannes Nordstrom

Title: Program: G2 Manifolds Program Seminar Speaker: Johannes Nordstrom, University of Bath Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

G2 Manifolds Program Seminar: Simon Donaldson

Title: Program: G2 Manifolds Program Seminar Speaker: Simon Donaldson, SCGP Stony Brook University Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Time: 9:30am – 10:30am Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

G2 Manifolds Program Seminar: Dietmar Salamon

Title: Floer Theory and the Fueter Equation Program: G2 Manifolds Program Seminar Speaker: Dietmar Salamon, ETH Zurich Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 Time: 9:30am – 10:30am Place: Lecture Hall 102, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Workshop Organizer Information

Workshop Organizer Timeline The Simons Center follows a strict timeline to have efficient and successful workshops.  Please see the chart below for a general timeline for organizing a workshop.   SCGP Workshop Organizer Timeline Activity Deadline Submit workshop proposal to the Simons Center Scientific Advisory Committee. For complete instructions on how to apply to organize … Read more

Gauge Theory Program Seminar: Hidetoshi Awata

Title: On Five-dimensional AGT Relations Program: Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory Speaker: Hidetoshi Awata, Nagoya University Date: Thursday, September 4, 2014 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Gauge Theory Program Seminar: Opening Discussion by Nikita Nekrasov and Samson Shatshvili

Title: Opening of the program and discussion of main topics by Nikita Nekrasov and Samson Shatshvili Program: Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory Speaker: Nikita Nekrasov, SCGP Stony Brook University Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box]

Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory

Gauge Theory, Integrability, and Novel Symmetries of Quantum Field Theory Organized by Anton Kapustin, Nikita Nekrasov, Samson Shatashvili, Volker Schomerus, and Konstantin Zarembo September 2 – December 19, 2014 The interplay between the supersymmetric gauge theories and (non-supersymmetric) integrable theories in various dimensions is a puzzling development of several decades of research. In recent years … Read more