In this issue of the Newsletter

Ten Years in the SCGP and 3 + 4 = 7

By Sir Simon Donaldson Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Natural Language: Geometry and Physics

By Nikita Nekrasov Professor of Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Northern Europe. The tradition of conferring honorary degrees goes back to the same time yet a different place (Oxford University). It is a tremendous honor to join a long line of scholars linking the centers of knowledge mining and knowledge transfer throughout the globe. Read more…

A Word from the Directors: Remembering Jim

On May 10, 2024, James Harris Simons (Jim), passed away at the age of 86 in New York City. Jim’s lifelong passion for math and basic science were an inspiration … Read more

My Career in Physics. A Biographical Research Summary by Robert Shrock

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Professor Robert Shrock details a brief history of his career in physics, including a collection of research results.

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics. By Alfonso Sorrentino and Sergei Tabachnikov

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics By Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University   

Mock Modular Forms, Moonshine, and String Theory: August 26 – 30, 2013

Organized by Miranda Cheng, Matthias Gaberdiel, and Terry Gannon. Dates: August 26 – 30, 2013 Since 2010, there has been a rapid development in the study of moonshine phenomena relating mock modular forms and finite groups. Following the observation in 2010 on the relation between the elliptic genus of K3 surfaces and the largest Mathieu … Read more

Conformal Invariance in Continuous and Discrete Systems: April 8 – 12, 2013

Organized by John Cardy, Greg Lawler and Paul Wiegmann   The workshop will focus on the mathematical and physical understanding of the interrelations between Conformal Field Theory and Schramm Loewner Evolution, as well as their relation to discrete lattice systems such as percolation, Ising models, Potts models, loop models, and dimers. The other topics covered … Read more

2012-2013 Science Playwriting Competition

First prize: Trust Territory by Robert Crease Second prize: Entanglement by Les Hunter Third prize (tie): Effect Size by Heather-Ayn Indelicato, Discontinuities by Bryan J. Field Honorable Mention: With Strings Attached by Luca Mazzucato, The Garden Gnome Extraction by Faisal Qayum and Christopher Miao. Bringing science and theatre together can provide the inspiration for a … Read more

Dr. Tony Tyson (LSST, UC Davis) “LSST: New Science Frontiers” Thursday May 2nd, 5:00pm

Featuring Tony Tyson from LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope). When:  Thursday May 2nd, 5:00pm at the Simons Center Auditorium, room 103 Wine and Cheese Reception at 5:00pm, Lecture at 5:30pm Title:  “LSST: New Science Frontiers” Speaker:  Dr. Tony Tyson; LSST, Physics Department, University of California, Davis, CA Homepage: [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] ABSTRACT: Expected … Read more

Topological Phases of Matter

Topological Phases of Matter Organized by Nick Read, Paul Fendley, Andreas Ludwig, Xiao-Liang Qi, Steven Simon, and Zhenghan Wang April 1, 2013 – June 30, 2013 The subject of Topological Phases of Matter has been building over a number of years, and is currently very active. The field includes many diverse experimental aspects, but this … Read more

Simons Summer Workshop 2013, July 22 to August 16

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Simons Workshop in Mathematics and Physics from July 22 to August 16. This workshop is the sixth conducted by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook. The Center’s mission is to develop the interaction of geometry in the broadest sense with theoretical physics, and … Read more

Graduate Workshop on Kahler Geometry, June 24 – July 5, 2013

  Workshop in Kahler Geometry-Summer 2013 Recently there have been spectacular developments in Kahler geometry which cut across a wide variety of mathematical fields ranging from the analysis of PDE’s to Algebraic Geometry. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce graduate students and young researchers to some of these developments. The workshop will be … Read more