In this issue of the Newsletter

Ten Years in the SCGP and 3 + 4 = 7

By Sir Simon Donaldson Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Natural Language: Geometry and Physics

By Nikita Nekrasov Professor of Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Northern Europe. The tradition of conferring honorary degrees goes back to the same time yet a different place (Oxford University). It is a tremendous honor to join a long line of scholars linking the centers of knowledge mining and knowledge transfer throughout the globe. Read more…

A Word from the Directors: Remembering Jim

On May 10, 2024, James Harris Simons (Jim), passed away at the age of 86 in New York City. Jim’s lifelong passion for math and basic science were an inspiration … Read more

My Career in Physics. A Biographical Research Summary by Robert Shrock

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Professor Robert Shrock details a brief history of his career in physics, including a collection of research results.

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics. By Alfonso Sorrentino and Sergei Tabachnikov

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics By Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University   

Valentine’s Day Lunch at the SCGP Cafe! – 2013

    Join us at the SCGP Café for an extra special lunch, bring your coworker, colleague, a loved one, or come and meet a friend and share our “anything cuisine”:  the magic that happens when you combine fresh, high quality ingredients, prepared with skill and served with LOVE!   Extended Lunch Hours:  11:30 – … Read more

Conformal Geometry Program Lecture Series: Jesper Jacobsen, ENS Paris

Title: Critical Manifolds for Percolation and Potts Models from Graph Polynomials Speaker:  Jesper Jacobsen, ENS Paris Date: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Time: 10:00am – 11:00am Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center       Abstract: The first parameter to be fixed when studying a phase transition is the critical temperature. Somewhat surprisingly, this parameter is only known analytically … Read more

NOWHERE DIFFERENTIABLE: February 12-28, 2013

February 12, 2013 – 6 pm pre-lecture reception in gallery 5:30 pm Lecture by Ethno-Mathematician and Author of African Fractals Ron Eglash, Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute February 20, 2013 – 6 pm pre-lecture reception in gallery 5:30 pm Artist-in-Residence: Saya Woolfalk will give a talk about her work and residency. She will be working on campus  … Read more

Computational Perspectives on Social Phenomena at Global Scales

Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Jon Kleinberg, February 26-27, 2013 Jon Kleinberg is the Tisch University Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Information Science at Cornell University. His research focuses on issues at the interface of networks and information, with an emphasis on the social and information networks that underpin the Web and … Read more

Probabilistic Models for Cascading Processes in Networks

Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Jon Kleinberg, February 26-27, 2013 Jon Kleinberg is the Tisch University Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Information Science at Cornell University. His research focuses on issues at the interface of networks and information, with an emphasis on the social and information networks that underpin the Web … Read more

Conformal Geometry

Conformal Geometry Organized by Ilia Binder, John Cardy, Andrei Okounkov, and Paul Wiegmann January 7 – May 3, 2013 The Simons Center will host a program on `Conformal Geometry’ for the Spring semester of 2013. This will cover subjects representing some of the most successful examples of the cross-fertilization between mathematics and physics in this … Read more

Facets of Integrability: January 21 – 27, 2013

Facets of Integrability: Random Patterns, Stochastic Processes, Hydrodynamics, Gauge Theories and Condensed Matter Systems Organized by: Ilia Binder, Andrei Okounkov, Alexander Abanov, Eldad Bettelheim, Ilya Gruzberg, Seung-Yeop Lee and Razvan Teodorescu Once mathematicians got interested in random matrix theory two decades ago, it was recognized that methods previously used in integrable non-linear equations, could also … Read more

Symplectic and Low Dimensional Topologies in Interaction December 3 – 7, 2012

Organized by Peter Ozsvath, Yakov Eliashberg, Robert Lipshitz and Mohammed Abouzaid The workshop will explore recent developments in symplectic topology and low-dimensional topology, with an emphasis on connections between the two. Topics will include Heegaard Floer homology and its relation to combinatorial and geometric 3-manifold topology; contact geometry and its interaction with low-dimensional topology; symplectic embedding problems … Read more