In this issue of the Newsletter

Outreach Lectures – Book Talks


Sign up for evening workshops! Artist Demonstration daily at the Simons Center Gallery, Monday -Friday, 11 am -2 pm. The sculptor William Duffy will create a figurative “Sphere” object using a wax modeling technique during his residency at the SCGP Gallery. The public is invited to participate in, watch and learn about the development stages … Read more
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Concert Series, featuring pianist Leon Livshin and Company All Concerts will begin at 6:30pm, following a wine and cheese reception at 6:00pm. These events are free and open to the public: Schedule of Events July 23rd, 6:30pm: “Two Sides of Rachmaninov” … Read more
Tuesday July 23 5:30pm Talk by Diana Davis, “Dance your PhD” — 6:00pm Wine and Cheese Reception 6:30pm Musical Performance featuring Re’ut Ben-Ze’ev mezzo soprano, Andrey Tchekmazov on cello, and pianist Leon Livshin —
Thursday August 15 5:30pm Talk by Shrikant Iyer, ‘Synergy Ball in Origami’ 6:00pm Wine and Cheese Reception 6:30pm Musical Performance by pianist Leon Livshin
Our apologies to all for the inconvenience, but unfortunately, the public lecture by Edward Witten previously scheduled for this Thursday, June 20th at 5:30pm has been cancelled.
Title: Naturality In Sutured Monopole Homology Speaker: Steven Sivek, Harvard Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013 Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center [box, type=”download”]Watch the video.[/box] Abstract: Kronheimer and Mrowka defined a version of monopole Floer homology which assigns to any balanced sutured manifold a module up to isomorphism. … Read more
The astronomical event of the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus will take place the evening of May 28 Join the SCGP Cafe for an evening of food, wine pairing, and telescope viewing on our outdoor patio terrace. Details: May 28, 2013 at 6:00pm $30.00 per person includes all food and wine, plus exclusive telescope … Read more