In this issue of the Newsletter

Ten Years in the SCGP and 3 + 4 = 7

By Sir Simon Donaldson Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Natural Language: Geometry and Physics

By Nikita Nekrasov Professor of Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics. Founded in 1477, Uppsala University is the oldest university in Northern Europe. The tradition of conferring honorary degrees goes back to the same time yet a different place (Oxford University). It is a tremendous honor to join a long line of scholars linking the centers of knowledge mining and knowledge transfer throughout the globe. Read more…

A Word from the Directors: Remembering Jim

On May 10, 2024, James Harris Simons (Jim), passed away at the age of 86 in New York City. Jim’s lifelong passion for math and basic science were an inspiration … Read more

My Career in Physics. A Biographical Research Summary by Robert Shrock

C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Professor Robert Shrock details a brief history of his career in physics, including a collection of research results.

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics. By Alfonso Sorrentino and Sergei Tabachnikov

Mathematical Billiards and Related Topics By Alfonso Sorrentino, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Sergei Tabachnikov, Pennsylvania State University   

Gauge Theory Angle at Integrability Workshop: November 12 – 16, 2012

Organized by Nikita Nekrasov and Samson Shatashvili   This workshop is a part of the Fall 2012 program Integrability in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Exactly solvable quantum many body systems, lattice models of statistical physics and integrable 1+1 dimensional quantum field theories have very rich and long history which substantially influenced the development of … Read more

String-Math 2013, June 17-21 2013

Conference Announcement:  String-Math 2013 Organizing Committee: Alexander Abanov, Michael Douglas, Ljudmila Kamenova, Claude LeBrun, John Morgan, Nikita Nekrasov, Leonardo Rastelli, Martin Rocek, The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is hosting a third annual meeting of String-Math series of conferences in June 17-21, 2013. Click here for the conference main web page.  

Umbilic Torus Dedication and Presentation Videos Now Available

  Please join us for the dedication of UMBILIC TORUS BY HELAMAN FERGUSON Thursday October 25, 2012 6 pm Math/Physics Plaza Stony Brook University A reception and lecture by Helaman and Claire Ferguson will follow in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics   The “Umbilic Torus SC” as it will be for the next … Read more

Topology Seminar: R. Inanc Baykur, “Topological Complexity of Symplectic 4-manifolds and Stein Fillings”

Title: Topological Complexity of Symplectic 4-manifolds and Stein Fillings Speaker: R. Inanc Baykur Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Place: Seminar Room 313, Simons Center   Abstract: Following the ground-breaking works of Donaldson and Giroux, Lefschetz pencils and open books have become central tools in the study of symplectic 4-manifolds and contact 3-manifolds. An open question at … Read more

Controlled Evidence Exhibition

The exhibition runs from November 5th – December 21st and can usually be viewed Monday-Friday, 10 am – 5 pm. Please call ahead to check gallery hours. 631-632-2800


UPDATE Wednesday, October 31st The Hyper Kahler Geometry Workshop will be held in the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Lecture Hall 102 beginning at 9:30 am. The SCGP Cafe will be serving breakfast and lunch. All other activity in the Center is to be determined, please check back for updates.   Earlier Message: Due … Read more


FILLED – The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics is seeking several administrative and IT professional staff members. The SCGP is a groundbreaking research Center located on Stony Brook University’s campus offering competitive salaries and excellent benefits.  Women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.  Applicants must electronically submit a cover letter and resume … Read more

Graduate Workshop on Symplectic and Contact Topology, October 15 -19, 2012

Workshop on Symplectic and Contact Topology – Fall 2012 Organized by Mohammed Abouzaid and Yakov Eliashberg This graduate student workshop will be associated with the program in Symplectic Topology at the Center during the Fall of 2012. The workshop will be organized by Yakov Eliashberg and Mohammed Abouzaid (both in residence at the Center for … Read more

Della Pietra Lecture Series Presents Dr. Robert Kirshner, October 2-3 2012

Dr. Robert Kirshner, Photo credit: Lynn Barry Hetherington Lecture 1 ‘A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe’ (This lecture is geared for high school and undergraduate students) Title: “A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe” by Dr. Robert Kirshner Time: Tuesday October 2nd at 11:00 am Place: Simons Center for Geometry and Physics room 103 [box, type=”download”]Watch … Read more