Moduli of Meromorphic Quadratic Differentials: June 3-7, 2024

Organizing by: Tom Bridgeland (University of Sheffield, UK) Samuel Grushevsky (Stony Brook University, USA) Andrew Neitzke (Yale University, USA) Martin Moeller (Universitaet Frankfurt, Germany) This workshop in Mathematics inspired by a circle of ideas originating in quantum field theory and string theory, particularly the study of the quantum field theories “of class S”. These field … Read more

Multifield Cosmology: Inflation, Dark Energy and More: February 5-9, 2024

Organizers: Lilia Anguelova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Michele Cicoli (Bologna University) Vivian Miranda (Stony Brook University) Sonia Paban (University of Texas at Austin) Francisco Gil Pedro (Bologna University) Recent astronomical observations have reshaped profoundly the modern understanding of the Universe, regarding not only its contents but also its origin and future fate. The surprising discovery … Read more

2023 Simons Math Summer Workshop: Lecture Topics

WEEK 1: THE SYZ CONJECTURE AND COLLAPSING CALABI-YAU MANIFOLDS The Strominger-Yau-Zaslow (SYZ) conjecture dates from 1996. It was proposed as a geometric mechanism underlying mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau manifolds. The proposal is that, at least near the “large complex structure” limit in moduli space, a Calabi-Yau manifold has a fibration whose generic fibers are Special … Read more

2023 Simons Math Summer Workshop: August 7-25, 2023

The Simons Center is happy to announce the 1st annual Simons math summer workshop.  The workshop will take place from August 7-25, 2023, and will bring together mathematicians working in a circle of related areas, to learn more about the techniques and results of nearby lines of research.

Concluding Conference of Simons Collaboration on Homological Mirror Symmetry: April 25-28, 2023

Organized By: Mohammed Abouzaid, Denis Auroux, Ron Donagi, Maxim Kontsevich, and Carlos Simpson. To watch live throughout the workshop week, please visit: For the most up to date information please visit This conference is the concluding conference for the Simons Collaboration on “Homological Mirror Symmetry and Applications.” In addition to reviewing progress in Homological … Read more

2023 Simons Physics Summer Workshop – Celebrating 20 Years: June 26 – July 21, 2023

Scientific Organizer: Cumrun Vafa (Harvard), Local Organizer: Martin Rocek (CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics) The Simons Physics Summer Workshop is the Fifteenth conducted by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook and the twentieth in the series Simons Physics Summer Workshops.   This year the Simons Summer Workshop will celebrate its 20th … Read more

Mass, the Einstein Constraint Equations, and the Penrose Inequality Conjecture: September 18-22, 2023

Organizing Committee: • Carla Cederbaum (University of Tübingen) • Greg Galloway (University of Miami) • Lan-Hsuan Huang (University of Connecticut Storrs) • Jim Isenberg (University of Oregon) • Marcus Khuri (Stony Brook University) • David Maxwell (University of Alaska Fairbanks) Scientific Committee: • Anna Sakovich (Uppsala University) • Richard Schoen (UC Irvine) • Mu-Tao Wang … Read more

Fluctuations, Entanglements, and Chaos: Exact Results: August 28, 2023- September 1, 2023

Organized by: D. Bernard, B. Bertini, F. H. L. Essler, V. Khemani and T. Prosen Experimental advances in ultra-cold atomic physics and building quantum simulators have opened up new research areas in quantum many-body physics focused on inherently dynamical properties. Examples of fundamental questions that have been investigated in the last few years included characterizing … Read more

RTG/SCGP Graduate Workshop on the Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties: December 5-9, 2022

This instructional workshop, aimed at graduate students familiar with basic algebraic geometry, will introduce attendees to rationality problems, measures of irrationality, and groups of birational automorphisms such as the Cremona group. The SCGP will host a research workshop Birational Complexity of Algebraic Varieties the following week (December 12-16, 2022, SCGP). The Graduate workshop will revolve around … Read more

Ending Inflation and the Hot Big Bang: June 5-9, 2023

  Organized by: Peter Adshead (University of Illinois) Jonathan Heckman (University of Pennsylvania Marilena Loverde (University of Washington) Patrick Meade (C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics) Scott Watson (Syracuse University) This workshop is aimed at filling the gap in our cosmic history – from the end of inflation to the beginning of big bang … Read more